Synopsis: On an Earth devastated by The Scorching climate event, the Drathken land their giant plantships with the promise of healing the planet. Joshua Nkosi vlogs and jokes his way through an easy life guarding a deep-sea mining operation while watching old vids. That is until, he and his modded octopus partner, Marc, get caught […]
Science Fiction
Review: The X-Files: Perihelion
Synopsis Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are still reeling from the death of their son William, but cautiously joyous about Scully’s unexpected pregnancy. Determined to raise this child together, Mulder and Scully struggle to find meaning away from the X-Files as they navigate the uncertain waters of their relationship. Then the FBI asks for their […]
Review: The World to Come (Dark Legacies #3) by Yuval Kordov
The World to Come is the dark, harrowing, emotionally intense, mind-bending, and hugely rewarding, conclusion to the Dark Legacies trilogy.
Review: Mega (Book #1) by Jake Bible
Synopsis There is something in the deep. Something large. Something hungry. Something prehistoric. And Team Grendel must find it, fight it, and kill it. Kinsey Thorne, the first female US Navy SEAL candidate has hit rock bottom. Having washed out of the Navy, she turned to every drink and drug she could get her hands […]
Review: Mushroom Blues (The Hofmann Report #1) by Adrian M. Gibson
Synopsis: Two years after a devastating defeat in the decade-long Spore War, the island nation of Hōppon and its capital city of Neo Kinoko are occupied by invading Coprinian forces. Its fungal citizens are in dire straits, wracked by food shortages, poverty and an influx of war refugees. Even worse, the corrupt occupiers exploit their […]
Review: Wild Flowers, Electric Beasts by Alina Leonova
Synopsis Two species of humans — one technologically advanced and one living in nature — have coexisted peacefully on their home planet for over a century. But when an ancient treaty is breached, devastation follows. Balika has always felt like an outsider. When tragedy strikes, she is left without a reason to remain with her […]
Review: Digital Extremities by Adam Bassett
Synopsis: A collection of eight stories, Digital Extremities shines a spotlight on ordinary people in a callous yet hopeful future. Set across small towns and remote islands, where neon flickers against old buildings and oaks, this collection paints a unique view of a traditionally cyberpunk setting. In 2089, a woman miscarries and seeks a way to find […]
Review: This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone
Synopsis From award-winning authors Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone comes an enthralling, romantic novel spanning time and space about two time-traveling rivals who fall in love and must change the past to ensure their future. Among the ashes of a dying world, an agent of the Commandment finds a letter. It reads: Burn before reading. Thus […]
Review: Deep Black (Arcana Imperii #2) by Miles Cameron
If you loved Artifact Space you’re gonna love Deep Black! You’re going to be breathless from all the action, only to catch it long enough to be either cocooned by the warm found family feels or devastated by the emotions and romance. You will be amused, bemused, worried, entertained, stressed, and impressed. And you’re going to love every second of it.
Review: Wistful Ascending (The Hybrid Helix) by JCM Berne
Synopsis A superhero space opera for grownups. For fans of Guardians of the Galaxy or Invincible.Like Dragonball Z but wish it had a little more hard science fiction in it? The il’Drach Empire spans half a galaxy, built on the feet and fists of their Powered hybrid children. At eight Rohan of Earth learned that […]
Book Review: The Quiet Room (Rabbits #2) by Terry Miles
Summary The lore and legends around the underground game known as Rabbits gain new dimensions in this twisty tale set in the world of the hit Rabbits podcast. After nearly winning the eleventh iteration of Rabbits, the mysterious alternate reality game so vast it uses the entire world as its canvas, Emily Connors suddenly finds […]
Review: Digital Extremities by Adam Bassett
An intimate read that has so much to offer. It’s genuine and pragmatic in what it does and it’ll make you reflect on a lot of things. A worthwhile read without a doubt.