Synopsis The second book in an action-packed science fiction trilogy set on a far future world where the fate of nations is determined by battle-hardened warriors who are trained to compete in brutal single combat. In a world where single combat determines the fate of nations, the Grievar fight in the Circles so that the […]
Review: Battery Life by Brennan Gilpatrick and Gregory Lang
Summary: Equal parts Z for Zachariah and Mad Max, Gilpatrick and Lang’s darkly funny debut follows a girl from outer space and an aging scavenger who must learn to trust each other in order to survive. Welcome to the Junkyard, a toxic wasteland where humans, machines, and everything in between fight for survival among the […]
Review: The Hand of God (Dark Legacies #1) by Yuval Kordov
Synopsis The world ended—twice. Once at humanity’s hand and a second time at God’s, according to legend. Only Esther, the Eternal One, saw it all happen. Chosen by the Messiah to redeem humanity, she heads a holy sisterhood that rules Cathedral, the Last City. Except Cathedral isn’t the last city, and the source of the Revenant […]
Review: I AM AI (A Novelette) by Ai Jiang
Synopsis If you have the opportunity to give up humanity for efficiency, mechanical invincibility, and to surpass human limitations. . . would you? Ai is a cyborg, under the guise of an AI writing program, who struggles to keep up with the never-blinking city of Emit as it threatens to leave all those like her […]
Review: One of the Boys by Jayne Cowie
A thought-provoking and humbling novel about what we would do if we were given the opportunity to test our sons for a gene of violent predisposition.
Review: The Ferryman by Justin Cronin
Synopsis The archipelago of Prospera lies in the middle of a vast ocean. Created by a mythic genius known only as The Designer, Prospera exists in splendid isolation, forgetful of whichever untold horrors inspired its creation. Citizens of the main island enjoy fulfilling and privileged lives, attended to by the obliging support staff who live […]
Blog Tour Review: The Combat Codes (The Combat Codes #1) by Alexander Darwin
Martial arts inspired fantasy with science fiction elements.
Review: Firebreak by Nicole Kornher-Stace
Summary: One young woman faces down an all-powerful corporation in this “profound…resonant” (NPR), all-too-near future science fiction debut that reads like a refreshing take on Ready Player One, with a heavy dose of Black Mirror. New Liberty City, 2134. Two corporations have replaced the US, splitting the country’s remaining forty-five states (five have been submerged under the […]
Review: Elsewhere by Alexis Schaitkin
A stunning novel about motherhood, community, herd mentality, and finding what we have lost.
Book Review: New Yesterday by Frasier Armitage
Synopsis Find your past. Save your future. What if you could change everything in your life you wish you’d done differently? Fix regret? Unlock the potential of your past? That’s what Adam Swann did in New Yesterday, a city where events in the present can alter history. He’s living the life of his dreams, yet he […]
Review: Blindspace (Book #2 of The Common) by Jeremy Szal
Synopsis Vakov Fukasawa is a Reaper. An elite soldier injected with a dangerous drug called Stormtech: the DNA of a genocidal alien race, the Shenoi. It makes him stronger, faster, more aggressive. At a price. A price that, if the House of Suns cult isn’t stopped, all of humanity will have to pay. Vakov saved […]
Review: The Ten Percent Thief by Lavanya Lakshminarayan
Summary Welcome to Apex City, formerly Bangalore, where everything is decided by the mathematically perfect Bell Curve. With the right image, values and opinions, you can ascent to the glittering heights of the Twenty Percent — the Virtual elite — and have the world at your feet. Without, you risk falling to the precious Ten […]