Synopsis: In a mostly underwater near-future Los Angeles, aging combat-drone veteran Orr Vue now lives a simple and small life, trading snippets of what’s become the most valuable currency: information. So when the cops show up at his door looking for data on a murder he’s not even aware has happened, things get interesting for […]
Review: Animus Paradox (A Digital Extremities Story) by Adam Bassett
Synopsis: There’s a thief on the loose. The Tigres excel at tipping the scales in their favor, be it through bribes, politics, or blood. They unofficially run Viterbo, Italy—and somebody stole from them. Private investigators David and Mafalda De Campo have been hired to help find the thief. They’re in it for the money, but […]
Review: Thrill Switch by Tim Hawken
Synopsis Detective Ada Byron is pumped to be assigned her first murder case–until she sees the crime scene. Someone has been killed exactly the same way as her father was seven years earlier. But, impossibly, he died using VR and the programmer responsible is still in prison. To see if this is a copycat or […]
Review: Thrill Switch by Tim Hawken
Thrill Switch is a detective story that also entertains questions about the role of law and the meaning of reality.
Review: Synthetic Sea by Franklyn S. Newton
This review only represents my personal opinion and does not reflect the entire judging team’s (Red Stars) thoughts or progression in the SPSFC4 competition.
Review: A Stitch Between Worlds by Frasier Armitage
Synopsis: “The differences between worlds — they’re like two tapestries, one made of silk and the other of wool. But this door is a needle that sends me between them, and I’m what stitches them together.” A future where memory is currency; a land of dinosaurs seeking the refuge of outer space; a city where […]
Book Review: Falling Into Oblivion Aaron M. Payne
TL;DR Review: Colorful characters inhabit a futuristic world at once familiar and fresh. A cyberpunk thriller that had me enthralled from the first page. Synopsis: MODIFICATIONS COME AT A PRICE. Detective Sol Harkones is tangled in the wires of a deadly conspiracy involving defective body modifications causing permanent brain damage. A suspect is known, but […]
The Escher Man by T. R. Napper
Synopsis Endel ‘Endgame’ Ebbinghaus is a violent man, a street-level enforcer for a drug cartel. Or is he? In The Escher Man, nothing is as it seems. Friends, enemies, the past and the present, all become blurred in a world where memory manipulation has become the weapon of choice for powerful corporations. From the gaudy, glittering […]
Review: Falling Into Oblivion (Tendrils of Chrome #1) by Aaron M. Payne
Synopsis: MODIFICATIONS COME AT A PRICE. Detective Sol Harkones is tangled in the wires of a deadly conspiracy involving defective body modifications causing permanent brain damage. A suspect is known, but something more dangerous may be lurking in the shadows. A city plagued by waste. Violence fills the streets. Oblivion is within reach. Review: I […]
Review: Digital Extremities by Adam Bassett
Synopsis: A collection of eight stories, Digital Extremities shines a spotlight on ordinary people in a callous yet hopeful future. Set across small towns and remote islands, where neon flickers against old buildings and oaks, this collection paints a unique view of a traditionally cyberpunk setting. In 2089, a woman miscarries and seeks a way to find […]
Review: Digital Extremities by Adam Bassett
An intimate read that has so much to offer. It’s genuine and pragmatic in what it does and it’ll make you reflect on a lot of things. A worthwhile read without a doubt.
Cover Reveal: Falling Into Oblivion (Tendrils of Chrome #1) by Aaron M. Payne
I am thrilled to be hosting this cover reveal for Aaron M. Payne’s debut novel, Falling Into Oblivion. I think you’ll agree that it’s an awesome cover that just yells cyberpunk! Here’s the full artwork and everything you need to know about the cover, book blurb, author, and ARC sign ups… Cover & Project Details: […]