Synopsis: Terrance Mathison, a veteran turned bioengineer, returns from a camping trip to find that a widespread pathogen is quickly rusting important metals once they’re touched. Amid the crumbling downfall of our technological society, he assembles a team of super-nerds and elite soldiers to find and secure a lab in hopes of developing a cure. […]
Review: The Anatomy of Fear (Anthology)
Synopsis A Spookylicious, Grimalicious Stravaganza. ‘The skull bell tolled, but only Lena heard it.’ – L.L. MacRae (Bone) Fear is universal – a shared human experience that provokes awe, curiosity and terror. It feeds our anxieties, elevating our heartbeats and driving the instinct to survive. But what are we afraid of – and why? Each […]
Review: A Path of Blades by R. E. Sanders
Synopsis Ingvar Darelle is a fighting knight, tasked with defending his country whenever he is called to battle. Violence and war provides no glory for Ingvar, who only wants to be at home on his rural estate. His dreams of a quiet life are shattered as he becomes a pawn in the ambitious schemes of […]
Review: Shattered Spirits – The Fall of Ishcairn by Cal Black
What’s in the bomb? WHAT’S IN THE BOMB??? Synopsis Legends say a dead god is buried under the stone city of Ishcairn, protecting its inhabitants by dashing enemy fleets into the jagged coast of Craeburn. Adjunct professor Corrie Ecksley doesn’t believe any of that, but she knows from her work excavating nearby burial sites that […]
Review: The Light of a Black Star by C.S. Humble
Synopsis It is 1872. Annie Miller and the valiant members of the Peregrine Estate did all they could in Chicago to try and stop the Society of Prometheus from unleashing their terrible gods—The Nine—into our world. While they managed to save Carson Ptolemy from the occult society’s ritualistic sacrifice, they failed to stop the ritual […]
Australian & New Zealand Author Showcase No 8 – TR Napper
G’day / Kia Ora. Today I have the honour of hosting the eighth author showcases focusing on the awesome talent originating from Australia and New Zealand. The idea came to me whilst seeing so many of the book community gathering at recent conventions in the US and UK. And once my FOMO had subsided, I […]
BOOK TOUR/REVIEW: Shadows of Nyn’Dira (Fallen Light #3) by H.C. Newell
SYNOPSIS Deep within the forests of Nyn’Dira, darkness rises, and Neer finds herself hunted at every turn. Fleeing from relentless enemies and vicious creatures of darkness, she embarks on a treacherous journey through the dangerous woodlands in search of strength and salvation. As the humans push further into the forbidden lands, the Nasir and his […]
Review: The Inn At The Amethyst Lantern by J. Dianne Dotson
Synopsis Long after a climate catastrophe, when a utopian future faces an unearthed evil from our present, Gentian “Gen” Lightworth and her friends in the night-living town of Glimmerbight must stop the past from repeating itself by using all their wits and talents…and perhaps a bit of magic. Review When genre-mashes work, they really work. Such is […]
Review: The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien
Synopsis J.R.R. Tolkien is best known for The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings but those who thought these two wonderful adventures marked the height of his imagination have many more delights to come. The Silmarillion represents the source of Tolkien’s later work and follows the events of the First Age of Middle Earth. […]
Review: The Book That Wouldn’t Burn (The Library Trilogy #1) by Mark Lawrence
The Book That Wouldn’t Burn is the book that will not leave my head.
REVIEW: Wild Court by Matthew Samuels
SYNOPSIS A secret organisation is losing the battle to maintain the empathy levels that sustain the planet’s protective barriers against the nightmare worlds. A young aristocrat safeguards a terrible secret, sponsoring an archaeology graduate obsessed with biblical artifacts. An all-knowing orphan worshiped by a cult joins a textbook exemplar of toxic masculinity and an introverted […]
BOOK TOUR/REVIEW: No Safe Haven (Malitu #2) by James Lloyd Dulin
SYNOPSIS Anger will not be quenched by blood alone. The Missing, a rebel army that is little more than a rumor, may be Kaylo’s only path to exact his vengeance against the empire that claimed his home and killed his family. If it means a chance to balance the blood he owes, he will steal […]