Synopsis A young couple find themselves haunted by a string of gruesome murders committed along an old deserted road in this terrifying new novel. July 1995. April and Eddie have taken a wrong turn. They’re looking for the small resort town where they plan to spend their honeymoon. When they spot what appears to be a […]
Review: The Rest to the Gods (The Song of the Sleepers) by Joshua Walker
Synopsis On the peak of the Mountain Pass, the Four-Front War takes its final breaths. The walls are closing in. The allies are dwindling. The last front is on its knees. The Rest to the Gods is a prequel novella in The Song of the Sleepers, an epic fantasy series by Australian fantasy author Joshua […]
Review: BestGhost: A Novelette by C.J. Daley
Just outside the town of Cemetery, two teen YouTubers investigate a past mayor’s mansion because it’s rumored to be the most haunted spot for paranormal activity– and it all goes terribly wrong during their two night investigation.
Review: Trials of Empire (Empire of the Wolf #3) by Richard Swan
TL;DR Review: Grimdark and brutally epic, a solid conclusion to a trilogy that promises to be one of the best reads of the year. Synopsis: THE TIME OF JUDGEMENT IS AT HAND The Empire of the Wolf is on its knees, but there’s life in the great beast yet. To save it, Sir Konrad Vonvalt […]
Horror to My Ears: The Podcasts That Shape My Horror TBR
Within the last year or so, my consumption of horror stories has tremendously increased. For what reason, you may ask? It certainly feels like there’s a contemporary horror “boom” at the moment, but in my own reading journey, I can certainly pinpoint the reason for this influx: podcasts. My introduction to horror was marked by […]
Review: War Song: Legacy Rising (The Price of Power #0.5) by Michael Michel
Synopsis Admar’s future is a path paved with broken glass. Each step forward living under Scothean tyranny cuts away another piece of his humanity. Right down to the very bone. But even a meager life as a miner is better than a pointless death. A sister, a mother, a lover, all lost at the uncaring […]
Review: Such Sharp Teeth by Rachel Harrison
Synopsis: A witty, moving tale of monsters and modern life from the award-winning author of Cackle and The Return. For readers looking for a story of sisterhood, complicated families and love with a bit more bite… Rory Morris isn’t thrilled to be moving back to her hometown. There are bad memories there. But her twin […]
Review: Mouth by Joshua Hull
Synopsis Screenwriter Joshua Hull (Glorious) makes his longform prose debut! After a stranger leaves him a secluded property, drifter Rusty finds himself the caretaker of a massive, tooth-filled mouth in the ground…and it’s hungry. His situation is complicated by Abigail, a wannabe filmmaker who stumbles on the secret. Together, the odd pair set out to discover […]
Review: Small Miracles by Olivia Atwater
TL;DR Version: Like Good Omens, with chocolate and bribery. Heartfelt, delightful, and amusing cozy fantasy. Synopsis: A little bit of sin is good for the soul. Gadriel, the fallen angel of petty temptations, has a bit of a gambling debt. Fortunately, her angelic bookie is happy to let her pay off her debts by doing […]
Review: The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden
This is by far the darkest of Arden’s books that I’ve read. Usually my issue with historical fiction/fantasy set in the World Wars is the inevitable romanticisation of the war and what people went through on the front lines. Arden instead shows the darker side, the people who didn’t want to fight, the ends people went to just to be able to survive, and the absolute horrors that those on the front lines faced. I found my heart breaking as I read The Warm Hands of Ghosts and I felt true horror at so much of what Arden shows.
Interview with Douglas Lumsden
Well, the first thing I would do is jam the buttons so that the elevator would stop and I’d have a captive audience, because I like to take my time with my pitches. But if I was in a hurry, I might say something like: A cynical detective finds mystery, murder, and dark magic in […]
Review: The Weight of Blood by Tiffany D. Jackson
Synopsis: When Springville residents—at least the ones still alive—are questioned about what happened on prom night, they all have the same explanation … Maddy did it. An outcast at her small-town Georgia high school, Madison Washington has always been a teasing target for bullies. And she’s dealt with it because she has more pressing problems […]