Synopsis: A baby dreadnought is terrorizing two star systems. A new wormhole has been opened, a new planetary system revealed, populated by a strange and impossible race. A mad god is on the loose. The il’Drach have destroyed an entire planet, and are on their way to Wistful. Rohan just wants a peaceful day of […]
Review: A Tide of Black Steel by Anthony Ryan
Well what do we have here! Anthony Ryan and a Norse Fantasy! Not the combination I expected but certainly one I could get on board with! A Tide of Black Steel is the first book of the “Age of Wrath” series. An epic fantasy trilogy! I cant say it any better than the blurb so […]
Review: Tribes of the Gods Endure by Kay Ni C.
Synopsis Tribes of the Gods Endure is a fictional mythological tale about the concealed mysteries of Ireland and the Irish people. The ancient gods of Ireland have been forgotten for a long time and rarely talked about, but they are shared from one generation to the next by older people in local bars. They are […]
Review: Elemental Forces by Mark Morris
Synopsis: Elemental Forces is the fifth volume in the non-themed horror series of original stories, showcasing the very best short fiction that the genre has to offer, and edited by Mark Morris. This new anthology contains 20 original horror stories, 16 of which have been commissioned from some of the top names in horror, and 4 […]
Book Review: A Grave for Us All (Crown and Tide #2) by Michael Roberti
TL;DR Review: Higher stakes, deeper grimdarkness, bloodier battles, and messier characters—exactly what I want in a Book 2! Synopsis: “A civil war on that scale would make Harfal little more than a mass grave.”“There would be death. There would be chaos. But this time there would be a lasting peace…” Follow Cael, Emil, Merily and […]
Book Review: The Pale City (Rites of Resurrection #1) by Marshall J. Moore
TL;DR Review: Lightning-fast plot, richly colorful world, and heart-pounding action. Roman/Greek Republic colored with African-inspired culture and magic. Synopsis: Only the dead can save the living. In Albastine, the dead are made into mindless servants known as Attendants, incapable of harming the living unless commanded to by the soldier-necromancer Legates. Forced into an early retirement, […]
Review: The Love Song of Nathan Crane by E. Reyes
Synopsis Nathan Crane, a handsome and charming young man, becomes fixated on Christine Romero, a stunning woman who catches his eye. Despite his initial attempts to woo her, Christine repeatedly rejects Nathan’s advances, and he spirals into a dangerous obsession. As Nathan’s obsession with Christine intensifies, he reveals his dark side. His once-charming demeanor is […]
Review: A Hunger with No Name by Lauren C. Teffeau
Synopsis Thurava of Astrava is intended to become a herder, a most honored position for her dwindling community that clings to life on the banks of the Najimov, the river that’s the lifeblood of the high desert. But the Glass City on the horizon threatens the delicate balance the Astravans have managed to hold on […]
Review: Roverpowered by Drew Hayes
Synopsis A wizard’s first quest. An unlikely companion. Grand adventure awaits! Wanda and Wumble are a small pair with vast ambitions. One an aspiring alchemist, and the other her faithful hound, the pair bond as wizard and familiar to begin their pursuit of magic. As a newly made wizard without any training, resources, or even […]
The Dead Cat Tail Assassins by P. Djèlí Clark
Synopsis The Dead Cat Tail Assassins are not cats. Nor do they have tails. But they are most assuredly dead. Nebula and Alex Award winner P. Djèlí Clark introduces a brand-new world and a fantastical city full of gods and assassins. Eveen the Eviscerator is skilled, discreet, professional, and here for your most pressing needs […]
Review: The Blood that Burns the Winter Snow (The Bound and the Broken short story) by Ryan Cahill
Synopsis The Blood that Burns the Winter Snow is a short story set in the world of The Bound and The Broken. Vars Bryer is a man of The Glade. He loves his wife, feels at peace in his home, and would give the air in his lungs to keep his children safe. But the […]
Review: Rewitched by Lucy Jane Wood
Hellooooo cosy autumn reads. It is time. Make sure you’ve got Rewitched on your cosy tbr because it is *perfect*. Coming in at almost 400 pages it’s chonky for a cosy read, but the story hooked me and the pages flew by!