Synopsis This genre-defying, Shirley Jackson and Bram Stoker award-winning thriller follows a father desperate to salvage what’s left of his family—even if it means a descent into violence. Buried in debt due to his young daughter’s illness, his marriage at the brink, Mario reluctantly takes a job as a hitman, surprising himself with his proclivity for violence. […]
Review: Bone White by Ronald Malfi
Synopsis: Paul Gallo saw the report on the news: a mass murderer leading police to his victims’ graves, in remote Dread’s Hand, Alaska. It’s not even a town; more like the bad memory of a town. The same bit of wilderness where his twin brother went missing a year ago. As the bodies are exhumed, Paul […]
Review: Curse of the Reaper by Brian McAuley
Synopsis Scream meets The Shining in this page-turning horror tale about an aging actor haunted by the slasher movie villain he brought to life. Decades after playing the titular killer in the 80s horror franchise Night of the Reaper, Howard Browning has been reduced to signing autographs for his dwindling fanbase at genre conventions. When the studio announces a […]
Review: Good Night, Sleep Tight by Brian Evenson
Synopsis: From the “master of literary horror” (GQ) comes a collection of new stories tracing the limits and consequences of artificial intelligence and “post-human” relationships. Populated by twins stepping into worlds of absence, bears who lick their cubs into creation, and artificial beings haunted by their less-than-human nature, each page sketches a world where our […]
Review: Fifty Beasts to Break Your Heart by GennaRose Nethercott
A collection of folklore-inspired familiar and unsettling stories. Nethercott also plays with format, such as in an encyclopedic section of spooky beasts.
White Fuzz (The Bedlam Bible #2) By William Pauley III
Synopsis Franklin feels alone in life. One fateful night, he gets a curious text from a stranger, Lynda, another resident of his apartment building. She convinces him to come over, against his better judgment, and surprisingly the night seems to be going great, despite a little awkwardness. However, it’s clear that Lynda is living with […]
Review: Death Aesthetic by Josh Rountree
Synopsis: “This whole collection is obsessed with death.” Josh Rountree makes no bones about the mood in Death Aesthetic, his third collection of short fiction. Rountree explores the boundaries set by grief and guilt. He cracks open all manner of skeletons to peer inside the chest cavity, wondering what remains after everything else has left. He […]
Review: Bury Your Gays by Chuck Tingle
Synopsis: Misha is a jaded scriptwriter working in Hollywood, and he’s seen it all. All the toxic personalities and coverups, the structural obstructions to reform, even dead actors brought back to screen by CGI – and finally, maybe, the hint of change. But having just been nominated for his first Oscar, Misha is pressured by […]
REVIEW: Face the Night by Alan Lastufka
SYNOPSIS She has an eerie gift for drawing faces. Will one terrifying vision tear apart everything she loves? Ohio, 1987. Adriana Krause hasn’t slept in weeks. Desperate for work to keep her three-year-old son out of her powerful father’s controlling clutches, her vivid illustrations land her a job as a police sketch artist. But the […]
Review: My Darling Dreadful Thing by Johanna van Veen
Synopsis: Spirits are drawn to salt, be it blood or tears. Roos Beckman has a spirit companion only she can see. Ruth―strange, corpse-like, and dead for centuries―is the light of Roos’ life. That is, until the wealthy young widow Agnes Knoop visits one of Roos’ backroom seances, and the two strike up a connection. Soon, […]
Review: The Only Way Out Is Through by Paul Michael Anderson
Synopsis You move to a new area, hoping for a fresh start. You bury yourself in a new career, hoping for an identity. But the new area has roads no one travels down if they can help it, and the people stare at you with secrets behind their eyes that were old before you were […]
REVIEW: Teleportasm (Killer VHS Series #3) by Joshua Millican
SYNOPSIS Four friends unearth a unique VHS tape that, when viewed, causes short-distance teleportation with euphoric after-effects, inadvertently launching a perilous trend. As copies of the original tape are made, the results become less predictable and ultimately gruesome due to analog generational decay. Despite the danger, some will risk everything for just one more trip. […]