Synopsis: Twenty-five year old Calla Williams is struggling since becoming guardian to her brother, Jamie. Calla is overwhelmed and tired of being the one who makes sacrifices to keep the family together. Jamie, full of good-natured sixteen-year-old recklessness, is usually off fighting for what matters to him or getting into mischief, often at the same […]
Review: Minotaur: Stories by Josh Hanson
Synopsis Stories of the worlds that lie just below and behind this one. A grieving boy finds a doorway within a burnt out house that opens onto the past. A woman researching her dissertation on a famous Irish poet discovers secrets she wishes she could forget. A red, lichenous growth rises out of the seas […]
Review: Such Sharp Teeth by Rachel Harrison
Synopsis A young woman in need of a transformation finds herself in touch with the animal inside in this gripping, incisive USA Today bestselling novel from the author of Cackle and The Return. Rory Morris isn’t thrilled to be moving back to her hometown, even if it is temporary. There are bad memories there. But her twin sister, Scarlett, is […]
Review: Summer of the Monsters by David Sodergren
Synopsis: “Monsters aren’t real.” That’s what sixteen-year-old Lucy Brannigan has always believed, until, broke and desperate, she and her father move to an isolated farmhouse in the small Scottish town of Helsbridge. It’s their last chance, and they have to make it work. For Lucy, life appears to be over. With no friends, and surrounded […]
Review: Evil in Me by Brom
Synopsis Evil in Me is bestselling author Brom’s newest novel of possession, damnation, and rock ‘n’ roll, where one woman must get the world singing in order to save her soul. This devilish tale includes nearly two dozen of Brom’s immersive paintings and brilliant endpapers Aspiring musician Ruby Tucker has had enough of her small rural […]
Review: The Dead Zone by Stephen King
Synopsis: Johnny, the small boy who skated at breakneck speed into an accident that for one horrifying moment plunged him into The Dead Zone. Johnny Smith, the small-town schoolteacher who spun the wheel of fortune and won a four-and-a-half-year trip into The Dead Zone. John Smith, who awakened from an interminable coma with an accursed power—the power […]
REVIEW: Z.E.R.O: Zombie Elimination and Rescue Operatives (The Z.E.R.O. Sage #1) by Jessica Ungeheuer
SYNOPSIS Jeffrey Knight is a down on his luck self proclaimed loser. He can’t keep a job, forced into hours of work in the hell that is retail. His only stable thing in his life was his relationship with his longtime girlfriend…that is until he catches her cheating on him. Now with nothing left, he […]
Review: Gone to the Dogs by Mark Towse
Synopsis A Northern Town in England. It smells, prospects are grim, and the sun never shines. Each day blends into the next, and residents have settled into a resentful acceptance, assuming things cannot get any worse. So when the sky starts raining blood and a sinkhole appears in the middle of the main road, spitting […]
Review: Grim Portraits by Kealan Patrick Burke
Synopsis What do you see when you look at a painting? The image, the brush strokes, the stippled canvas beneath? What if you looked beyond it? And what do you know about the person who created that picture that’s hanging on your wall? They say art requires a certain acceptable degree of madness. What secrets […]
Review: King’s Hill by Josh Hanson
Synopsis: When Sadie Roth takes a part time job teaching creative writing at King’s Hill, the local prison, she finds herself in close contact with Edward Joseph Mills, a local boogeyman and convicted serial killer. As Mills uses the course as a vehicle to finally tell his story, Sadie finds herself drawn into a strange […]
Review: Red by Daniel Lorn
Synopsis When recent events threaten to tear his world apart, a broken soul is drawn to a whisper manifesting within the darkness. A whisper that offers him the faith to face the shadows of his past, and the ability to deal with those who have wronged him.WARNING: This book contains scenes of psychological and physical […]
Review: Carrie by Stephen King
Synopsis “Stephen King’s first novel changed the trajectory of horror fiction forever. Fifty years later, authors say it’s still challenging and guiding the genre.” —Esquire “A master storyteller.” —The Los Angeles Times • “Guaranteed to chill you.” —The New York Times • “Gory and horrifying. . . . You can’t put it down.” —Chicago Tribune Unpopular at school and subjected to her mother’s […]