Synopsis A modern gothic thriller set in a decaying urban environment and lush mutant wilderness. Solari wasn’t alive when the ozone layer split like a gutted fish above Tasmania and spilled radiation over the edge of the stratosphere, but she’s living with the consequences — the mutations, the gangland war, and the border wall that […]
Fear For All
Book Tour/Spotlight: Survivors by Amy Marsden
Hi everybody! Today, I am honored to shine a spotlight on Survivors by Amy Marsden, brought to you by the always amazing Escapist Book Tours. Check out the book information below, then go grab yourself a copy! Book Information: Survivors by Amy MarsdenSeries: Survivors #1Genre: HorrorIntended Age Group: AdultPages: 341Published: August 16, 2021Publisher: NineStar Press […]
Review: Our Crooked Hearts by Melissa Albert
Our Crooked Hearts is a double tale of mother and daughter coming into magic and its consequences, when they were each 16-17 years old. The mother’s half of the story is told in flashbacks so as to create parallelisms with her daughter’s present storyline, cleverly woven in such a way that what happened in the past is slowly revealed to optimally fit and complement what is happening in the present.
Book Review/Tour: PULSE by B.A. Bellec
Synopsis Pulse is a plot-driven multi-POV dystopian sci-fi horror thriller set in 2040, centered around a corporation, a creature, and a music festival. Think Fyre Festival, Black Mirror, and X-Files combined. The story deals with themes of capitalism, consumerism, business, politics, pandemics, climate change, activism, and technology while bouncing between a diverse group of characters […]
Review: For The Throne (Wilderwood #2) by Hannah Whitten
For The Throne really is everything you wish for in a sequel/series conclusion, in that it wraps up all the threads in a satisfying manner that isn’t necessarily what you’d expect, it honors already established characters while also giving the right amount of space to the ones who are now the main focus and, it does all that by improving on all that worked well before to make it even better.
Review: King of Battle and Blood (Adrian X Isolde #1) by Scarlett St. Clair
St. Clair’s story fits within a few great romance tropes, such as marriage of convenience and enemies to lovers, but it also employs some of my favorite tropes across any genre, for instance wrong/fake history being revealed for what it was, misconceptions being broken down, and an epic revenge story revealed gradually with great effect.
Review and Q&A: Infested by C.M. Forest
Set entirely within a high-rise apartment block C.M. Forest makes Infested into a high-stakes horror. Nothing is as it seems and the building quickly becomes a dark nightmare for Olivia. She’s trapped in her building with no power or phone service and these earwig type creatures that seem to be taking over the residents and turning them into violent horrors.
Review: Tender Is The Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica
Be prepared to be very uncomfortable for 200 plus pages, and maybe think about switching to a vegan diet whilst you’re at it.
Review: The Hollow Gods by A.J. Vrana (The Chaos Cycle Duology #1)
The Hollow Gods is an adult fantasy horror novel with an incredibly intriguing premise dealing with a small town and mysteries plaguing it. Is it actually supernaturally cursed by an evil spirit kidnapping women with the aid of vicious wolves? Or do its inhabitants suffer from mass hysteria on the regular and turn on each other at random?
Book Tour and Review: Equinox by David Towsey
Synopsis In this world, two souls inhabit a single body, one by day, one by night. But though they live alongside one another, their ends do not always align. For Special Inspector Morden, whose hunt for a dangerous witch takes him far from home, this will be a problem… Christophor Morden lives by night. His […]
Winterset Hollow by Jonathan Edward Durham
A creepy tale about meeting your favorite childhood characters and fighting for your life.
Book Tour: Where Blood Runs Gold by AC Cross
Synopsis Sheriff Errol Thorpe’s life is chaotic, brutal, and above all, solitary. After an unimaginable loss years ago, all he feels is the compulsion to seek vengeance. But when a vulnerable family arrives in town, facing an ugly future, he is pulled headfirst into a web of violence, secrets, and things he never imagined. In […]