Synopsis As acting captain of the starship Calypso, Jacklyn Albright is responsible for keeping the last of humanity alive as they limp back to Earth from their forebears’ failed colony on a distant planet. Faced with constant threats of starvation and destruction in the treacherous minefield of interstellar space, Jacklyn’s crew has reached their breaking point. […]
Fear For All
Review: Family Business by Jonathan Sims
Family Business is the first book I’ve read by Jonathan Sims, and it definitely won’t be my last. I went in not sure what to expect and at no point did I realise just how creepy, and insane, the plot would become. The creep-factor is cranked up so expertly that you don’t notice what’s going on until our main character, Diya, is right in the middle of everything.
Review: The Dark Between the Trees by Fiona Barnett
Hello again dear reader, it is October and spooky season is on 🎃. So how about a review for a surrealist gothic folk-thriller?? That sounds like a bit of a mouthful but broken down in other terms this is the kind of book that is 80% just supernatural vibes surrounding a very simple plot that will have you coming out of it more than a little confused but satisfied nonetheless.
Book Review: The Memoirs of Elikai: The Ritual of the Fallen (Book 2) by D. Alexander
Synopsis Phantonix. Phantonix! PHANTONIX! The second Crusader, Metentis, has united the souls from the Forest of the Fallen under the banner of Destiny to overthrow Ankou, the purveyor of Death. Ankou delivers a haunting message to Danny and warns of horrors that are to come, but his admission comes too late. As the army of […]
Review: One Dark Window by Rachel Gillig
Gothic romantic fantasy with tarot-inspired magic system. Perfect for an October read!
Review: Not Good for Maidens by Tori Bovalino
Oh. My. God. I LOVED this. I’ve already practically thrown the book at multiple people, although basically shouting ‘it’s about the goblin markets’ probably isn’t the best approach I could’ve gone for. Not Good for Maidens does contain a fair amount of body horror and is definitely horror rather than a YA horror (although it does have a 17-year-old protagonist). But that being said, if you like your horror gory, and creepy, and heart-pounding, this is the book for you.
Book Review: Leech by Hiron Ennes
I was completely blown away by Leech. From the very first page I was completely drawn in, and by page 60 I was hooked and loath to put the book down.
Leech is an atmospheric, gothic horror of the best kind. The atmosphere is just perfect and the setting of a remote castle in the far north just added an extra layer of dark & creepy to the story. Nothing is ever quite as it seems and Hiron Ennes really embraces that in this book.
Review and Essay: Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer
When Edward Cullen and Bella Swan met in Twilight, an iconic love story was born. But until now, fans have heard only Bella’s side of the story. At last, readers can experience Edward’s version in the long-awaited companion novel, Midnight Sun.
Review: The Ballad of Never After (Once Upon A Broken Heart #2) by Stephanie Garber
Garber’s prose is easy to read as much as it is lyrical and evocative, and her metaphors, even when a little over the top, still render her imagery amazingly, after all, their flair does fit in with the overall vibe of this story.
Review: The Pain Eater by Kyle Muntz
The Pain Eater is an entirely unique novel about family dynamics, pain, and mysterious creatures that feed on that pain.
Review: The Oleander Sword (The Burning Kingdoms #2) by Tasha Suri
Synopsis: The Jasmine Throne has been hailed as a series opener that will ‘undoubtedly reshape the landscape of epic fantasy for years to come’ (Booklist, starred). Now, award-winning author Tasha Suri’s provocative and powerful Burning Kingdoms trilogy continues with The Oleander Sword. The prophecy of the nameless god – the words that declared Malini the rightful empress […]
An Altar on the Village Green (The Chained God #1) by Nathan Hall
An Altar on the Village Green is a story of horrors. Hall’s use of time loops set within a punishing landscape immerses you within the madness, seeping into your consciousness, leaving you completely unaware of how redefining it all is until you’ve breached the surface back to reality.