Synopsis: Kimberly has a unique addiction. Eating spiders is both her only pleasure and destroying her from the inside out. Will she be able to see her way through before it drives her into an early grave? Review: Despite what common sense tells us, we’re all haunted and horrified by the very obvious myth of […]
Review: The Book of Accidents by Chuck Wendig
Synopsis: Long ago, Nathan lived in a house in the country with his abusive father—and has never told his family what happened there. Long ago, Maddie was a little girl making dolls in her bedroom when she saw something she shouldn’t have—and is trying to remember that lost trauma by making haunting sculptures. Long ago, […]
Review: Universal Harvester by John Darnielle
Synopsis: It’s the late ’90s, and you can find Jeremy Heldt at the Video Hut in Nevada, Iowa―a small town in the center of the state. The job is good enough for Jeremy, quiet and predictable, and it gets him out of the house, where he lives with his dad and where they both try […]
Review: Insomnia by Stephen King
Synopsis: Since his wife died, Ralph Roberts has been having trouble sleeping. Each night he wakes up a bit earlier, until he’s barely sleeping at all. During his late night walks, he observes some strange things going on in Derry, Maine. He sees colored ribbons streaming from people’s heads, two strange little men wandering around […]
Review: The Pain Eater by Kyle Muntz
The Pain Eater is an entirely unique novel about family dynamics, pain, and mysterious creatures that feed on that pain.
Book Tour and Review: Equinox by David Towsey
Synopsis In this world, two souls inhabit a single body, one by day, one by night. But though they live alongside one another, their ends do not always align. For Special Inspector Morden, whose hunt for a dangerous witch takes him far from home, this will be a problem… Christophor Morden lives by night. His […]