Synopsis Long after a climate catastrophe, when a utopian future faces an unearthed evil from our present, Gentian “Gen” Lightworth and her friends in the night-living town of Glimmerbight must stop the past from repeating itself by using all their wits and talents…and perhaps a bit of magic. Review When genre-mashes work, they really work. Such is […]
Review: The Book That Wouldn’t Burn (The Library Trilogy #1) by Mark Lawrence
The Book That Wouldn’t Burn is the book that will not leave my head.
Review: The Impudent Edda by Rowdy Geirsson
A fresh take on Norse mythology, full of comedy and Bostonian flair.
Blog Post: Three Middle Grade Fantasy Series You Should Read
There are so many great choices when it comes to fantasy book series. Where might one who is new to the genre choose to start their journey? I’d like to give three options for the new fantasy reader. I read each of these in the last three years and found them to be great places […]
Review: One of the Boys by Jayne Cowie
A thought-provoking and humbling novel about what we would do if we were given the opportunity to test our sons for a gene of violent predisposition.
Review: The Judas Blossom: Book I of The Nightingale and the Falcon (#1) by Steven Aryan
An imaginative and sprawling epic fantasy reimagining of the Mongol Empire’s invasion of Persia, following the lives and treacherous journeys of four key figures in the heart of war. 1260, Persia: Due to the efforts of the great Genghis Khan, the Mongol Empire covers a vast portion of the known world. In the shadow of […]
Review: The Corset by Laura Purcell
If nuanced character work calls to you, you don’t shy away from gothic horror with explicit gore, and you want something that keeps you on the edge of your seat with you breath held tight, dear reader, you’ll devour this cleverly woven book.
Review: Elsewhere by Alexis Schaitkin
A stunning novel about motherhood, community, herd mentality, and finding what we have lost.
Review: The Book That Wouldn’t Burn (The Library Trilogy, #1)
A boy has lived his whole life trapped within a vast library, older than empires and larger than cities. A girl has spent hers in a tiny settlement out on the Dust where nightmares stalk and no one goes. The world has never even noticed them. That’s about to change. Their stories spiral around each […]
Review: Body Language (Cassie Raven #1) by A. K. Turner
For fans of British thrillers/crime procedurals, this intriguing first novel in the Cassie Raven series shows the reader a bit more of the other side of criminal investigation teams by focusing on the mortuary techs. Specifically, bi badass Cassie Raven who shows everyone you should never stop at appearances, and she does it with style and a sharp wit
Team Review: The Given Day by Dennis Lehane ft. Krystle Matar & C.M. Caplan
Synopsis: Set in Boston at the end of the First World War, New York Times best-selling author Dennis Lehane’s long-awaited eighth novel unflinchingly captures the political and social unrest of a nation caught at the crossroads between past and future. The Given Day tells the story of two families—one black, one white—swept up in a […]