Synopsis Many years have passed since three Teblor warriors brought carnage and chaos to the small lakeside settlement of Silver Lake. While the town has recovered, the legacy of that past horror remains, even if the Teblor tribes of the north no longer venture into the southlands. One of those three, Karsa Orlong, is now […]
Sword and Sorcery
REVIEW: Curse of the Fallen (Fallen Light #1) by H.C. Newell
SYNOPSIS This Child is not the chosen one. She is a demon to be destroyed. Born of magic, Nerana is labeled a demon and forced into hiding by the Order of Saro. Living with a curse that binds her to their leader, Nerana seeks to free herself from their hold and soon learns that the […]
REVIEW: No Heart for a Thief (Malitu #1) by James Lloyd Dulin
SYNOPSIS We are the stories we tell ourselves…even the lies. The Thief, a great spirit, and her descendants have abused their ability to steal magic for centuries. When Kaylo starts to hear the song of other people’s magic, he must learn to hide from his people as well as the invaders. A gift or a […]
Review: The Crew (The God Dust Saga #1) by Sadir S. Samir
Synopsis Kings of the Wyld meets Deadpool in this action-packed fantasy adventure set in an Arab-inspired landscape. Varcade fled to the deserts of Harrah to escape his past as an Educator, a member of an order of zealot warrior-monks that aims to shape the world according to their sacred Teachings by force. Varcade makes his […]
Review: Tristan’s Regret (The Return of King Arthur #3) by Jacob Sannox
Synopsis The third and final book of The Return of King Arthur. In the 5th century, Tristan and Isolde are at the mercy of the scheming Morgana Le Fay, who seeks to undermine King Arthur’s alliance with Cornwall. The consequences of their actions echo down the centuries and, in 2021, Arthur, Tristan and the Knights […]
Review: Agravain’s Escape (The Return of King Arthur #2) by Jacob Sannox
Synopsis It is 2021, and Sir Agravain’s nemesis, Malagant, is back.But Agravain, who hunted the Dread Knight during the 18th and 19th centuries, is now serving a prison sentence. Nimue, a mysterious student of Merlin, seeks King Arthur to offer him a choice.Arthur can settle into the normal life he yearns, abandoning his estranged knight. […]
Review: The Ravenmasters Revenge (The Return of King Arthur Trilogy #1) by Jacob Sannox
Synopsis It is the autumn of 2019. Merlin’s wayward apprentice has escaped from the Tower of London with his raven familiars. Legend foretells that the White Tower, then England, will fall.Can King Arthur, a weary veteran of the English Civil War, Waterloo and the Somme, prevent the Ravenmaster from exacting his revenge? Review Just fantastic, […]
Review: Daughter of Redwinter (The Redwinter Chronicles #1) by Ed Mcdonald
Synopsis From the author of the critically-acclaimed Blackwing trilogy comes Ed McDonald’s Daughter of Redwinter, the first of a brilliant fantasy series about how one choice can change a universe. Raine can see–and more importantly, speak–to the dead. It’s a wretched gift with a death sentence that has her doing many dubious things to save […]
Review: Esrahaddon (The Rise and Fall #3) by Micheal J. Sullivan
Synopsis The man who became known as Esrahaddon is reported to have destroyed the world’s greatest empire—but there are those who believe he saved it. Few individuals are as divisive, but all agree on three facts: He was exiled to the wilderness, hunted by a goblin priestess, and sentenced to death by a god—all before […]
Review: A War To End All (Manifest Delusions #3) by Michael R. Fletcher & Clayton W. Snyder
Synopsis A war, then. A war of our own. A war for perfection and cleanliness and order.A war to end suffering.A war to end filth and disease.A war to end immorality and injustice.A war to end blasphemy.The last war this world would ever see.A war to end all. Review Holy Geisteskraken’s balls, that was bloody […]
Review: At Eternity’s Gates (Ruin of Empire #4) by David Green
Synopsis THE EPIC CONCLUSION TO THE EMPIRE OF RUIN SERIES As a long-planned endgame begins, the future of Haltveldt balances on the edge of the slimmest of blades. Calene Alpenwood rallies her comrades against the spreading darkness, but faces overwhelming threats from both sides of enemy lines. The entity known as the Corruption, the living […]
Book Tour & Review: Through Blood and Dragons (The Forged and The Fallen, Book 1) by R.M. Schultz
Synopsis Steeped in blood. Ruled by those with dragons. Cimeren is a world divided by a mysterious forest and the vast Lake on Fire. Suspicion brews on both sides, and the south has fallen into chaos as battles and quarrels rage between kingdoms. In the border outpost of Nevergrace, Cyran Orendain is dealing with the […]