Synopsis Levort Aatra is a down on his luck prospector on the planet Tayoxe. While scavenging the wastes of the abandoned world, he discovers a mysterious starship and stakes his claim on it thinking it will be his ticket to a better life. Little does he know, he just put a big target on his […]
Sci-Fi Fantasy
Review: Light Bringer (Red Rising Series #6) by Pierce Brown
Synopsis Darrow returns as Pierce Brown’s New York Times bestselling Red Rising series continues in the thrilling sequel to Dark Age. “The measure of a man is not the fear he sows in his enemies. It is the hope he gives his friends.”—Virginia au Augustus The Reaper is a legend, more myth than man: the […]
Review: Mystery of the Immortals (The Training Grounds #1) by Jason Clark
Synopsis Debut author Jason Clark presents an exciting new genre-bending sci-fi/fantasy story set in a brutal future world, where swords settle disputes and those who can control the elements are the most feared warriors. Get ready for a fantastic escape from reality. When Darius receives an invitation to attend the Training Grounds, he wonders why […]