Synopsis In the heart of the Holy Imperium, a family’s lives are shattered. Runt Ashburn, the youngest of three siblings, journeys to seek his father needing answers. His sister Alsyha, now an indentured servant to blacksmiths, plots her escape and revenge. At the same time, the oldest, Ashburn Benjamin, juggles the life of a soldier […]
Review: The Hexologists by Josiah Bancroft
Summary: The Hexologists, Iz and Warren Wilby, are quite accustomed to helping desperate clients with the bugbears of city life. Aided by hexes and a bag of charmed relics, the Wilbies have recovered children abducted by chimney-wraiths, removed infestations of barb-nosed incubi, and ventured into the Gray Plains of the Unmade to soothe a troubled […]
Review: Lotus Lake (Rise of the Mystic Mage) by Jay Boyce
Synopsis Reborn five years in the past. A second chance to do everything over. What would you do? For Ashlyn, being reborn five years in the past is both a boon and a bane. She’s reborn in the wreckage of tragedy, forced to deal with a life that she messed up before. Now, all she […]
Review: The Definition of Vengeance (The Serpent Knight Saga #3) by Kevin Wright
Synopsis The small village of Untheim has a big problem. Folk go missing with alarming frequency. Even more alarming? They turn up dead. And a young girl’s just disappeared. Sir Luther Slythe Krait also has a big problem. He’s stuck in Untheim. Penniless and poor and on his last legs, Sir Luther shoulders the task […]
Review: The Warrior Prophet (The Prince of Nothing Trilogy #2) by R. Scott Bakker
Synopsis “Book Two of The Prince of Nothing” finds the Holy War continuing its inexorable march southward. But the suspicion begins to dawn that the real threat comes not from the infidel but from within…Steering souls through the subtleties of word and expression, Kellhus strives to extend his dominion over the Men of the Tusk. […]
Review: The Darkness That Comes Before ( The Prince of Nothing Trilogy #1) by R. Scott Bakker
Synopsis The first book in R. Scott Bakker’s Prince of Nothing series creates a world from whole cloth-its language and classes of people, its cities, religions, mysteries, taboos, and rituals. It’s a world scarred by an apocalyptic past, evoking a time both two thousand years past and two thousand years into the future, as untold […]
Review: Esrahaddon (The Rise and Fall #3) by Micheal J. Sullivan
Synopsis The man who became known as Esrahaddon is reported to have destroyed the world’s greatest empire—but there are those who believe he saved it. Few individuals are as divisive, but all agree on three facts: He was exiled to the wilderness, hunted by a goblin priestess, and sentenced to death by a god—all before […]
Review: The Return of the Knights (The Dance of Light #1) by Gregory Kontaxis
Everything soared into the mythological and the fantastical before effortlessly landing back into the plot to screw over the scenery-chewing baddie. Real satisfying reading.
Review: The Ice (The Bound and the Broken #3.5) by Ryan Cahill
Synopsis In Epheria, you are the predators. Here, you are the prey. Almost four hundred years have passed since the fall of The Order. Four hundred years since the empire rose. Four hundred years since the last dragon egg hatched. In the icy wasteland of Valacia, Aeson Virandr searches for the one thing that could […]
Review: Fall of Ruin and Wrath (Awakening #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Hello again dear reader or listener, tis a romantic fantasy review I’m regaling you with today and let’s just say it’s a bag of mixed feelings to say the least!!
Review: Of War And Ruin (The Bound And Broken Series #3) by Ryan Cahill
Synopsis Solian ata’yar. Dauv ata’yar. Nur temen vie’ryn valana.Live as one. Die as one. For those we’ve lost. The city of Kingspass burns, and Calen Bryer’s world has been shaken to its core. With Valerys at his side, Calen must battle his demons and push forward. There are people who need him, people who need […]
Review: Azarinth Healer by Rhaegar
A totally fun read with OP MC, lots of action and adventure. Well written book with memorable characters, well defined plot and easy to read yet immersive prose.