Synopsis: Fletcher and his classmates from Vocans Academy―including the elf Sylva and the dwarf Othello―travel through the ether, where they must pursue a mortally dangerous quest to rebuild their world and broker peace. As he leads a small army of soldiers, Fletcher will face his biggest challenge yet: his nemesis, the albino orc, Khan, who […]
Review: The Ranger by EH Bradley
Synopsis Newly-trained ranger, Eraden has only just earned his greatsword when he is assigned to the tutelage of wizard Firadel. When the wizard receives a missive by messenger crow that trouble in the city of Hemavale, he assembles Eraden and an adventuring party to answer the call and follow in the footsteps of his father. […]
Review: A Dragon of the Veil (Warriors of Spirit and Bone, book 1) by Nick Snape
Synopsis With the realm falling apart, the fate of a people falls upon Laoch and Sura’s shoulders and the Gods’ weapons they now bear ‒ a thousand years of faith and lies reconciled in a single moment of hope and redemption. For Laoch, the Crusades never ended, yet the embittered Ranger finds hope in his […]
Review: House Of Muir (The Shadow Twins Series #2) by Luke Tarzian
Synopsis ONCE MARKED, ALWAYS MARKED… The war that was won is lost. His country razed and friends dead, Cailean Catil seeks the miserable solace of inebriation. But fate has other plans for ill-lucked men. An ocean away, he returns to the Galrun Muir, the order from which he was previously exiled. Seeking answers as to […]
Review: For a Few Days More by Z.B. Steele
Synopsis: The Hinterlands are a lawless place of broken dreams and broken people. Roth is a bodyguard trying to leave his dark past behind, but history has a way of turning back up. Cynthia is a bandit who’s trying to make a future by wading through blood. They travel separately, trying to live by their […]
Review: Into the Seventeen Towers by Jareth Z. Navratil
Synopsis Heroes stand! But Nathaniel is no hero… He is an all-around average, thirty-something, failed-to-launch, American do-nothing. However, one small fact rescues Nathaniel from wallowing in his mediocrity…He is a Page-Walker! Nathaniel can escape his humdrum existence by entering the pages of books, living vicariously through their characters’ adventures. Nathaniel’s comfortable existence is challenged when […]
Book Review: Hidden Queen (The Nightfall Saga #2) by Peter V. Brett
TL;DR Review: Diversity and neurodiversity utilized to marvelous effect, wrapped up in a violent, epic, complex, colorful, insanely epic dark fantasy story. Synopsis: Humanity thought the war with demonkind was over. Now, after humanity has had less than a generation to rebuild, the demon corelings have returned with a vengeance. The Spear of Ala—the fortress […]
Review: When We Transform: A Superhero Tale of Transition
Synopsis: Tokusatsu and the Trans Experience! Review: The first rule of Light Patrol is you don’t talk about Light Patrol. But we’re going to talk about When We Transform, because it’s not every day you read a superhero transition story by way of the Tokusatsu genre. I backed this comic on Kickstarter and the first […]
Review: The Inquisition (Summoner #2) by Taran Matharu
Synopsis: A year has passed since the Tournament. Fletcher and Ignatius have been locked away in Pelt’s dungeons, but now they must face trial at the hands of the Inquisition, a powerful institution controlled by those who would delight in Fletcher’s downfall. The trial is haunted by ghosts from the past with shocking revelations about […]
Review: The Envoys of War (The Envoys of Chaos #1) by Dave Lawson
Synopsis Don’t kill the messengers. As a bodyguard for the King’s Envoys, Gen is content with her life of traveling, drinking wine, and hitting things with her sword. It’s the perfect job. Until the King sends her and her friend Cordyn into war-torn enemy territory on a mission to deliver vital military intelligence to an […]
Review: The Fright Before Christmas by Jeff Belanger
Synopsis Step into the dark roots of Christmas past where the Krampus punishes the bad boys and girls. Christmas time is truly the darkest and creepiest time of the year filled with devilish creatures lurking in the shadows waiting to get us. Best known is the Krampus who has been the subject of films and […]
Review: Buzzard’s Bowl by John Pallandino
Synopsis Cedain continues to collapse. Ashmount’s destruction shatters the Magicai while the culprits responsible continue sabotaging the world. All the while, the next season of Buzzard’s Bowl begins and Edelbrock, in his constant fight for survival, desires a vengeance he can only find in the arena. Seradal and Villic find themselves in the middle of […]