Synopsis: Althus is an anarchist, a Phantom Dragon. Vade is a Whisper–an Imperial agent. Their love was never meant to survive. In a world of magical empires and the anarchists that would tear them down, A Necessary Chaos is the story of Althus and Vade, assigned to spy on the other by opposing sides. But […]
Review: The Envoys of War (The Envoys of Chaos #1) by Dave Lawson
War! What is it Good For? Lots of witty banter Synopsis Don’t kill the messengers. As a bodyguard for the King’s Envoys, Gen is content with her life of traveling, drinking wine, and hitting things with her sword. It’s the perfect job. Until the King sends her and her friend Cordyn into war-torn enemy territory […]
Review: Absolute Batman #3
Synopsis: Batman and Alfred have formed a tentative alliance, but the Black Mask has some new friends too… Review: In standard Batman lore, Bruce Wayne uses his extreme wealth to combat corruption. In the Absolute Universe, he chooses to corrupt himself – kind of – to achieve extreme wealth. The gray has never been grayer […]
Review: The Last Shield by Cameron Johnston
Synopsis A gender-flipped Die Hard set in a mysterious castle, Cameron Johnston’s The Last Shield is an engaging fantasy read, perfect for fans of John Gwynne and Mark Lawrence. The ancient forest realm of Sunweald is bordered on two sides by far mightier nations – a precarious situation. At its centre, the Sunweald Palace is […]
Review: The Oathsworn Legacy by K.R. Gangi
Synopsis: Rawley and Baelin make a living the only way they know how—protecting the people of Centrum by slaying the dark things that stole their childhood: Monsters, and everything evil. Though the work never ends, and there’s plenty of coin to go around, Rawley and Baelin discover a sinister secret hidden deep within the crevices […]
Review: The Wings Upon Her Back by Samantha Mills
Synopsis: Zenya was a teenager when she ran away to join the mechanically-modified warrior sect. She was determined to earn mechanized wings and protect the people of Radezhda, the city she loved. Under the strict tutelage of a mercurial, charismatic leader, Vodaya, Zenya finally became Winged Zemolai. But after twenty-six years of service, Zemolai is […]
Review: The Bloodsworn Saga by John Gwynne
Book 1: The Shadow of the Gods Synopsis Set in a brand-new, Norse-inspired world, and packed with myth, magic and bloody vengeance, The Shadow of the Gods begins an epic new fantasy saga from bestselling author John Gwynne. After the gods warred and drove themselves to extinction, the cataclysm of their fall shattered the land […]
Book Review: Blood Brothers by Rob J. Hayes
TL;DR Review: A sad, sweet, heartfelt story about remembering fallen loved ones wrapped up in magic, action, and a fascinating world. Synopsis: Blood Saberu is dead. His last request, that his brothers carry his body up the Heaven’s Trail mountains to make sure he gets into Heaven. Full Review: It was wonderful to be back […]
Review: The Hunger of the Gods (Bloodsworn Saga #2) by John Gwynne
Synopsis THE DEAD GODS ARE RISING. Lik-Rifa, the dragon god of legend, has been freed from her eternal prison. Now she plots a new age of blood and conquest. As Orka continues the hunt for her missing son, the Bloodsworn sweep south in a desperate race to save one of their own–and Varg takes the […]
Book Review: New Sword Smell: A Splatter Elf Collection by Philip Overby
TL;DR Review: Bloody dark and bloody entertaining. A short story collection perfect for fans of Kings of the Wyld and The Witcher. Synopsis: Includes naughty language and splattery violence. In the chaotic, gore-slicked world of Groteskia, everyone owns a sword, but few know how to use them. Enter Katzia of Clovenhoof aka the Splatter Elf, […]
Review: The Courting of Bristol Keats (The Courting of Bristol Keats #1) by Mary E. Pearson
By the end I was really enjoying myself. This is romantasy where it’s light on the fantasy plot and heavier on the romance. The Courting of Bristol Keats’ main fantasy plot is ‘there’s a portal open and we need to close it using a rare power’, by all means not a bad fantasy plot, this is really just the intro book to it where Bristol is learning to use her power and learning about faerieland as a whole. The romance I got quite swept up in by the end of the book.
Review: The Monsters We Feed by Thomas Howard Riley
Synopsis: The morning before he found the dead body, Jathan Algevin thought he had his whole life just the way he wanted it. He knows his city inside and out, and doesn’t bother carrying a sword, trusting his wits and his fists well enough to get by, hustling extra coin by ratting out loathsome magi […]