Synopsis The ravaged continent of Genabackis has given birth to a terrifying new empire: the Pannion Domin. Like a fanatical tide of corrupted blood, it seethes across the land, devouring all who fail to heed the Word of its elusive prophet, the Pannion Seer. In its path stands an uneasy alliance: Dujek Onearm’s Host and the Bridgeburners – each now outlawed by the […]
Epic Fantasy
Spear by Nicola Griffith
Synopsis The girl knows she has a destiny before she even knows her name. She grows up in the wild, in a cave with her mother, but visions of a faraway lake come to her on the spring breeze, and when she hears a traveler speak of Artos, king of Caer Leon, she knows that […]
Book Review: Siren and Scion (Mages of the Wheel Book #3) by JD Evans
TL;DR Review – A riveting look at blooming love in the wake of trauma. Complex characters, epic action, and a wonderful expansion of the world. Synopsis: She was beautiful the way the ocean was beautiful. In a new way every time one looked. She is water, bright and alluring, fathomless and profound. He is a […]
Review: The Company of the Wolf (Tales of The Plains 2) by David Wragg
From Wraggs to Riches Synopsis Seeking a better life, Ree and Javani have traveled west into the mountains, and left their pasts – and their troubles – behind. But new places bring new problems, and when they stumble across a lone traveler under bandit attack, they make the mistake of lending a hand. Forced to […]
Book Review: Stone and Sky (Stone and Sky #1) by Z.S. Diamanti
TL;DR Review: Warcraft meets Lord of the Rings in this light, positive, enjoyable high fantasy tale of friendship and courage. Synopsis: Come fly away on griffin-back! Fly off to the world of Finlestia in this epic fantasy story for readers looking for adventure, magic, and just plain fun; a tale where friendships must overcome insurmountable odds […]
Jade City (The Green Bone Saga #1) by Fonda Lee
Synopsis JADE CITY is a gripping Godfather-esque saga of intergenerational blood feuds, vicious politics, magic, and kungfu. The Kaul family is one of two crime syndicates that control the island of Kekon. It’s the only place in the world that produces rare magical jade, which grants those with the right training and heritage superhuman abilities. The Green […]
Review: Malice (The Faithful and the Fallen #1) by John Gwynne
Synopsis: The Banished Lands have a violent past where armies of men and giants clashed in battle. An uneasy peace reigns, but now signs of giants stir once more, the very stones weep blood and there are sightings of gigantic wyrms. Those who can still read the signs see a prophecy realized: sorrow will darken […]
Review: The Failures (The Wanderlands #1) by Benjamin Liar
Synopsis From a debut voice comes a genre-breaking blend of apocalyptic sci-fi and epic fantasy about a scattered group of unlikely heroes traveling across their broken mechanical planet to stave off eternal darkness. A tightly-coiled puzzle of a thrill ride, The Failures launches The Wanderlands trilogy Welcome to the Wanderlands.A vast machine made for reasons […]
Review: Deadhouse Gates (Malazan Book of The Fallen #2) by Steven Erikson
Synopsis In the vast dominion of Seven Cities, in the Holy Desert Raraku, the seer Sha’ik and her followers prepare for the long-prophesied uprising known as the Whirlwind. Unprecedented in size and savagery, this maelstrom of fanaticism and bloodlust will embroil the Malazan Empire in one of the bloodiest conflicts it has ever known, shaping […]
Book Review: Scales of Balance (A Vengeful Realm #1) by Tim Facciola
TL;DR: Spartacus meets Game of Thrones. Magic, manipulation, insurrection, and bloody spectacle galore. Synopsis: Peace bought by blood seldom lasts, for vengeance knows no end. The same is true for mortals and Gods alike. Decades, centuries, eras may pass, but the cycle remains. As war and revolution rise again, Zephyrus finds himself at the center […]
Review: When Shadows Grow Tall by Maressa Voss
Come for the cosy, stay for the being burned alive Synopsis In the Grasp, a realm on the threshold of enlightenment, the dactyli guard the fading embers of their ancient brotherhood, dedicated to the pursuit of absolute truth. Lovelace and Gunnar are rangers, two of the orders’ last who find themselves on the precipice of […]
Review: No Heart for a Thief (Malitu #1) by James Lloyd Dulin
Synopsis: We are the stories we tell ourselves…even the lies. The Thief, a great spirit, and her descendants have abused their ability to steal magic for centuries. When Kaylo starts to hear the song of other people’s magic, he must learn to hide from his people as well as the invaders. A gift or a […]