Synopsis Centuries before the events of A Game of Thrones, House Targaryen—the only family of dragonlords to survive the Doom of Valyria—took up residence on Dragonstone. Fire & Blood begins their tale with the legendary Aegon the Conqueror, creator of the Iron Throne, and goes on to recount the generations of Targaryens who fought to hold that iconic seat, […]
Epic Fantasy
Book Review: Outlaw Mage by (The Dageian Puppetmaster Book 1) K.S. Villoso
TL;DR Review – A wonderfully complex examination of cultural whitewashing and complicated families. Synopsis: Despite Rosha’s best efforts, she will never fit in. To her classmates, she is forever an outsider, a girl from the fringes of the empire just lucky enough to have well-off parents. To her teachers, she is either a charity case […]
Book Review: Of Thieves and Shadows by B.S.H. Garcia
TL;DR Review: A breathtakingly epic world and high stakes adventure with an intriguing cast of complex, well-developed characters. Synopsis: Some secrets are best left to the shadows. But shadows have a mind of their own. The ancient land of Quinaria teeters on the brink of war, as its most precious resource is unearthed and exploited. […]
Book Review: Mistlight (The Aenigma Lights #2) by JA Andrews
TL;DR Review: More mysteries, and bigger. The fate of a world hangs in the balance, and can only be saved by a truly ragtag, lovable crew. Synopsis: Keeper Kate has spent weeks searching for her missing brother. Following his trail, studying clues, using the mysterious aenigma box to help reconstruct the story of what had […]
Review: Wrath (The Faithful and the Fallen #4) by John Gwynne
Synopsis: It’s time to brave the final battle. King Nathair has seized the fortress at Drassil, and now possesses three of the Seven Treasures. And with Calidus and Queen Rhin, Nathair will do anything to obtain the rest. They will allow him to open a portal to the Otherworld—so Asroth and his demon-horde can break […]
Review: A Pocket of Lies by R A Sandpiper
The one time you won’t mind paying the Piper Synopsis BLOOD BOUND AND PENNILESS. EXILED INTO CURSED LANDS. HUNTED BY DEATH. When the thief Suri suffers a humiliating robbery, she has one day to pay off an ugly debt. Her solution: abduct and impersonate a foreign princess at the royal ball. But the wickedly handsome […]
Review: Ruin (The Faithful and the Fallen #3) by John Gwynne
Synopsis: The Banished Lands are consumed by war. Calculating Queen Rhin has conquered the west and high king Nathair holds the cauldron, most powerful of the Seven Treasures. At his back stand the scheming Calidus and a warband of Kadoshim, dread demons of the Otherworld. They plan to bring Asroth and his host of Fallen […]
Review: Reign & Ruin (Mages of the Wheel #1) by JD Evans
Reign & Ruin by J.D. Evans delivered a compelling blend of political intrigue within a Middle Eastern inspired world, scorching romance, and a meticulously crafted magic system that kept me engrossed from start to finish.
Book Review: Voice of War (Threadlight #1) by Zack Argyle
TL;DR Review: A dark, high fantasy that slowly grows more epic. Fast-paced action, great characters, and a compelling story. Synopsis: Three lives come together in this modern epic fantasy where magic users go missing, old gods return, and creatures of light ravage the land. A high general with a dark voice in his head that […]
Book Review: Ice and Ivy (Mages of the Wheel #4) by JD Evans
TL;DR Review – A delightful grumpy/sunshine romance, an insightful exploration into PTSD and a path to healing from trauma. Synopsis: A wildflower alone is all the more beautiful for the barrenness from which it grows. A single note more glorious for the silence around it. She is a void, the empty balance of magic.When the […]
Review: Season of the Dragon (Dragos Primeri #1) by Natalie Wright
Season of the Dragon is a fun story with incredible worldbuilding that might just be your anyone looking for their next epic fantasy fix.
Review: Valour (The Faithful and the Fallen #2) by John Gwynne
Synopsis: The Banished Lands are torn by war as the army of the High King Nathair sweeps the realm challenging all who oppose his holy crusade. Allied with the manipulative Queen Rhin of Cambren, there are few who can stand against them. Meanwhile, the young warrior Corban flees from his conquered homeland with his exiled […]