Synopsis: Deadly storms have ravaged Mina’s homeland for generations. Floods sweep away entire villages, while bloody wars are waged over the few remaining resources. Her people believe the Sea God, once their protector, now curses them with death and despair. In an attempt to appease him, each year a beautiful maiden is thrown into the […]
Book Review Fury of the Gods (Bloodsworn Saga #3) by John Gwynne
TL;DR: An insanely epic conclusion to one of my favorite series of the year. High-stakes, fast-paced, gripping action and satisfying emotional resolutions across the board. Synopsis: The Fury of the Gods is the earth-shattering final book in John Gwynne’s bestselling Norse-inspired epic fantasy series, packed with myth, magic and bloody vengeance. The final battle for […]
Arc Review: Thunder Kraken (Kraken Rider Z Series #2) by Dyrk Ashton and David Estes
Synopsis While the road to acceptance into Triumf’s Citadel Academy has been filled with pain, suffering, and more joy and surprises than Zee could’ve possibly imagined, now is his time to shine. After all, he’s the first kraken rider in more than a thousand years! Who could possibly defeat him? Except now he must be […]
FLASHBACK REVIEW: Dragon Mage (Rivenworld #1) by M.L. Spencer
SYNOPSIS Aram Raythe has the power to challenge the gods. He just doesn’t know it yet. Aram thinks he’s nothing but a misfit from a small fishing village in a dark corner of the world. As far as Aram knows, he has nothing, with hardly a possession to his name other than a desire to […]
Book Review: Blood of the Old Kings by Sung-Il Kim
TL;DR Review: Compelling, colorful, and complex. Epic storytelling that sinks into your bones and keeps you turning pages. Synopsis: Powered by the corpses of sorcerers, the Empire has conquered the world. It claims to have brought peace and stability to its conquered lands, but some see that peace for what it is—a lie—and will give […]
Review: Death of a Mad Dragon by Alex Valdiers (Standalone, The Roake Gang Series)
Synopsis There are good dragons and bad dragons. And then there are mad dragons … The Raoke Gang goes on a wild dragon chase. A horde of dragons crushes the Raoke Gang’s plans to rob a space cruise liner. In the heat of the battle between humans and dragons, the Raoke Gang vouches for the […]
Review: Arc copy: Preformances Of A Death Metal Bard (A Brutal Novella) by Rob Leigh
Synopsis Unfortunately, Death Metal doesn’t get much play in this sleepy, peaceful, actually kind of boring kingdom. Of course not. It’s tough inventing a genre on your own, and it doesn’t help when all the instruments you’ve tried up to this point don’t match the brutality necessary for a dark and heavy performance. My coin […]
Review: Arc of Broken Brotherhood (The Brotherhood of the Eagle #4) by Tim Hardie
Synopsis Broken Brotherhood, the fourth and final book in The Brotherhood of the Eagle fantasy series by Tim Hardie The final conflict between the Brotherhood of the Eagle and King Adalrikr Kinslayer approaches. Johan Jokellsward’s forces lay siege to Adalrikr’s stronghold, preparing to launch a deadly and decisive assault. Far to the north, Rothgar returns […]
The Sky on Fire by Jenn Lyons
Synopsis Enter a world ruled by dragons . . . The Sky on Fire is a daring new fantasy heist adventure from Jenn Lyons that will thrill fans of Temeraire, Fourth Wing andDragonriders of Pern. Anahrod lives only for survival, forging her own way through the harsh jungles of the Deep with her titan drake by her side. Even when […]
Book Review: Flames of Gold (Legends of Gold and Silver #1) by Liz Delton
TL;DR Review: An epic journey begins, promising great things to come. Synopsis: The silverswords have held Tytan in an iron fist for centuries.That fist has crushed the last hope for the continent. After quitting mage training, fire mage Fig thought her dealings with the crown and the ruthless silverswords who rule Tytan were over. That […]
Review: I’m Afraid You’ve Got Dragons by Peter S. Beagle
Synopsis From the New York Times bestselling author of The Last Unicorn comes a new novel with equal amounts of power and whimsy in which a loveable cast of characters trapped within their roles of dragon hunter, princess, and more must come together to take their fates into their own hands. Dragons are common in the backwater kingdom of […]
Review: Fire & Blood by George R.R. Martin
Synopsis Centuries before the events of A Game of Thrones, House Targaryen—the only family of dragonlords to survive the Doom of Valyria—took up residence on Dragonstone. Fire & Blood begins their tale with the legendary Aegon the Conqueror, creator of the Iron Throne, and goes on to recount the generations of Targaryens who fought to hold that iconic seat, […]