Synopsis: Althus is an anarchist, a Phantom Dragon. Vade is a Whisper–an Imperial agent. Their love was never meant to survive. In a world of magical empires and the anarchists that would tear them down, A Necessary Chaos is the story of Althus and Vade, assigned to spy on the other by opposing sides. But […]
Black Fantasy
Review: A Heart Full of Malice (The Fractured Kingdom #2) by Tony Debajo
Synopsis: There are no true victors in war. Even those that prevail cannot escape the burden of guilt for those who have fallen, and all those who witness the ugliness in the hearts of men are forever tainted. Ile-Ife has fallen and with it, the greatest ruler to have ever sat on the throne. Now, […]
Review: We Are the Origin (Wrath of the Gods #1) by C. M. Lockhart
Synopsis She was a shadow. Forced into a life of serving the queendom before she was old enough to deny them, Brandi was a cultivator of death and the queen’s own blade, reserved only for the disloyal and the blasphemous. Crafted by the queendom and forged in blood, she was nothing more than a tool. […]