Synopsis In the heart of the Holy Imperium, a family’s lives are shattered. Runt Ashburn, the youngest of three siblings, journeys to seek his father needing answers. His sister Alsyha, now an indentured servant to blacksmiths, plots her escape and revenge. At the same time, the oldest, Ashburn Benjamin, juggles the life of a soldier […]
Action Fantasy
Review: Immortal Longings (Flesh and False Gods #1) by Chloe Gong
Chloe Gong’s foray into adult fantasy blends Shakespeare and the concept of Qi to make a riveting romantic, death-soaked novel.
Book Tour and Review: A Talon’s Wrath (Riftborn, 3) by Steve McHugh
Synopsis Lucas Rurik faces unwanted celebrity, ancient enemies, and dangerous zealots in a thrilling urban-fantasy noir from the author of the Hellequin Chronicles. Centuries of life experience inside and outside the Rift couldn’t prepare former Raven Guild member and riftborn detective Lucas Rurik for his latest set of challenges. First, when his capture of a […]
Review: The Endless Vessel by Charles Soule
Synopsis Combining the wonder of The Midnight Library , the inventiveness of Ready Player One, and the artistry of Cloud Atlas, this novel by the bestselling author of The Oracle Year and Anyone explores the way we’re all connected—and what can happen when we lose our capacity for joy. A few years from now, in a world similar to ours, there exists a sort […]
Blog Tour Review: The Combat Codes (The Combat Codes #1) by Alexander Darwin
Martial arts inspired fantasy with science fiction elements.
Review: The Severing Son (by Vaughn Roycroft
An exciting addition to the fantasy genre. Full of love and war, prophecy, wisdom, and heart.
Review: The Monsters We Feed (#1) by Thomas Howard Riley
Think of something that truly threatens the aspect of your soul. An absence. Something that should make you feel and care for, but something that pulls at the tug of your moral conscience. Why are humans capable of committing the most evil and heinous crimes? Because without empathy, and apathy combined, then there is no shame. No regret. The world of Kolcha, the very city where Jathan lives proves that there is an undercurrent of shame and turmoil and that not everything is as it seems. You can’t take anything for granted in this city.
Review: The Malevolent Seven by Sebastien de Castell
The Malevolent Seven, is one deliciously unhinged novel from start to finish, with fast paced action and a snarky narrator called Cade Ombra who, disillusioned with his past life of righteousness, has become a Wonderist, or magical mercenary for hire. He, not really of his own volition, agrees to a doomed job but the alternative is a faster death, so really, it could be worse.
Review: The Sword Defiant (Lands of the Firstborn #1)
‘A gloriously gritty adventure through Hanrahan’s astonishing imagination’ Peter McLean, author of Priest of BonesTHE SWORD CARES NOT WHO IT CUTS Many years ago, Sir Aelfric and his nine companions saved the world, seizing the Dark Lord’s cursed weapons, along with his dread city of Necrad. That was the easy part. Now, when Aelfric – keeper of […]
Book Tour and Review: Blessed Odds (Riftborn, Book 2) by Steve McHugh
Synopsis In the sequel to The Last Raven, Lucas Rurik confronts a cult determined to remake the world—no matter the cost—in this urban fantasy noir from the author of the Hellequin Chronicles. Lucas Rurik is no stranger to navigating the tricky territory between humans and those touched by the rift. After all, as the last […]
Book Review: A Shade of Madness (The Ashes of Avarin, Book 2) by Thiago Abdalla
Synopsis Avarin tumbles into madness through the shattered ruin of a centuries-old peace. As griffin riders clash against airships above and hordes of madmen below, Lynn finds herself surrounded by enemies. Ones that will test the limits of her faith. To defeat them, she must risk everything… including her sanity. Adrian has lost the Legion, […]
Book Review & Tour: The Last Raven (Riftborn, Book 1) by Steve McHugh
Synopsis Lucas is a riftborn fighter bent on vengeance in this thrilling urban fantasy/detective noir series from the bestselling author of the Hellequin Chronicles. The peace between the rift and humanity has always been tenuous. It’s up to the Guilds to protect it, removing whomever—or whatever—poses a threat, whether human or rift-fused. Lucas Rurik used […]