Synopsis Book II of the Fallen Light series. Nerana is a sorceress. An exile. The Child of Skye. And she isn’t alone. After a vicious attack against the Order of Saro, Nerana finds herself lost in the wastelands of Aragoth. Forbidden of humans or evae, the desert is a land teeming with fire and […]
Action Fantasy
Review: Dreamtaker (Zodiac #2) by Azshure Raine
Synopsis: Fate and Time are forever intertwined, but what about Fate and…Eternity? Fate smiles upon a thriving Chall under the rule of its new king. A time of celebration has come to the once guarded metal walls. Flowers bloom and people arrive in anticipation of the royal wedding of the King of Chall to his […]
Review: Assassin (Darkblade Series #1) by Andy Peloquin
Synopsis All in Voramis know the legend of the Hunter. Relentless. Immortal. Death walking. The greatest assassin who ever lived.Pay the master killer his due and the Hunter will execute any target, carry out any contract, no matter how impossible. But when the Bloody Hand crime syndicate harms the innocents under his protection, they foolishly make […]
Review: Along the Razor’s Edge (The War Eternal Series #1) by Rob J. Hayes
Synopsis The War Eternal is a 5 book completed series. No one escapes the Pit. The war is over. Sixteen-year-old Eskara Helsene was a Sourcerer, a weapon for her empire. But she fought on the wrong side. Now she is a prisoner serving out a life sentence in the mines of the Pit, where there […]
Review: However Many Must Die (Blood Scouts #1) By Phil Williams
Synopsis Wild Wish was trained to do one thing: kill. Saved from a lonely backwater existence by a global war, Wish couldn’t believe her luck when she got into the Blood Scouts. Now she gets to share tents with an all-female platoon of night-stalking, giant-slaying, boat-sinking, battle-swaying legends in the making. The problem is, they […]
Review: Curse of the Fallen (Fallen Light Series #1) by H.C. Newell
Synopsis Book I of the Fallen Light series. This Child is not the chosen one. She is a demon to be destroyed. Born of magic, Nerana is labeled a demon and forced into hiding by the Order of Saro. Living with a curse that binds her to their leader, Nerana seeks to free herself from […]
Review: Forge of the High Mage (Path to Ascendancy #4) by Ian C. Esslemont
Synopsis After decades of warfare, Malazan forces are now close to consolidating the Quon Talian mainland. Yet it is at this moment that Emperor Kellanved orders a new campaign far to the north: the invasion of Falar. Since the main Malazan armies are otherwise engaged in Quon Tali, a collection of orphaned units and broken […]
Review: The God Is Not Willing (Witness Trilogy #1) by Steven Erikson
Synopsis Many years have passed since three Teblor warriors brought carnage and chaos to the small lakeside settlement of Silver Lake. While the town has recovered, the legacy of that past horror remains, even if the Teblor tribes of the north no longer venture into the southlands. One of those three, Karsa Orlong, is now […]
Review: Silver Spines (Dragonblood Assassin #3) by Jaime Castle and Andy Peloquin
Synopsis War has come to Dimvein. The Empire’s ancient foes have come to destroy, bringing with them threats new and old. The Blood Clan pirates and the savage Hudar Horde cavalry are joined by the magic of the Vandil, long believed lost to the ages. Kullen and Natisse must fight to preserve the threads that […]
Review: A Ritual Of Bone (The Dead Sagas Volume 1) by Lee C. Conley
Synopsis “Only valour and steel can stand against the rising dead” Arnar is a land of warriors, its people as stalwart as the stones themselves. In a land of dark forests and ancient hill forts, a forgotten evil is awoken by curious minds. The Great Histories and the Sagas say nothing of this evil, long […]
Review: Red Claw (Dragonblood Assassin Series #2) by Jaime Castle and Andy Peloquin
Synopsis Powerful dragonblood vials have been stolen from their murdered owners. Magisters, answering to a shadowy figure known only as Red Claw, seek to undermine the emperor. Kullen’s work as Black Talon will only grow bloodier as his path crosses with the Crimson Fang, hopeful they might know where to find a kid-napped Prince Jaylen. […]
Review: Retribution Falls (Tales of the Ketty Jay #1) by Chris Wooding
Hello again, dear reader or listener, if rich world building you don’t even notice happening, chaotic disaster characters, occasionally sharing the one braincell between themselves, hilarious moments akin to a comedy of errors, and feels that sneak up on you in between awesomely flowing action sequences is the thing you’re looking for your future reading, do yourself the favor and give The Tales Of The Ketty Jay a go.