Synopsis Groundhog Day meets Deadpool in Django Wexler’s raunchy, hilarious, blood-splattered fantasy tale about a young woman who, tired of defending humanity from the Dark Lord, decides to become the Dark Lord herself. Davi has done this all before. She’s tried to be the hero and take down the all-powerful Dark Lord. A hundred times […]
Action & Adventure
Review: An Exile of Water & Gold by Joshua Walker
Synopsis Brandon Sanderson’s Rhythm of War meets Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time in this epic fantasy mystery adventure. EXILED FROM HEAVEN. FORCED INTO HELL. For centuries, the Aobians of the Great Tree have shared the continent of Q’ara with humanity. A select few known as Sleepers are empowered by Luminosity, the Tree’s greatest blessing. Drift, a young and cynical […]
Review: Red Sonja: Consumed by Gail Simone
Synopsis Red Sonja, the iconic, fiery, she-devil with a sword, is reinvented for a new generation of readers in this action-packed epic fantasy by legendary comic book writer Gail Simone. The warrior Red Sonja, the famous fiery She-Devil of Hyrkania, has never concerned herself with the consequences of her actions. She’s taken what she wanted, from […]
Review: Petition by Delilah Waan
Synopsis: In the Dominion of Aleznuaweite, anyone can rise to the greatest heights—if they are willing to pay the price. Failure is a luxury Rahelu can’t afford. Her family sold everything, left their ancestral home, and became destitute foreigners for the sake of her resonance skills. Now she can manipulate emotional echoes to discern truth […]
Blood Brothers Beyond by Rob J. Hayes
Synopsis Their brother is dead but nothing will stop the remaining Blood Brothers from risking it all to honor Subaru’s last request and secure his place in Heaven. Everything from dangerous bandits to powerful spirits will try to stop them from completing their mission. Review Time changes many things, but some things never changes as […]
Review: Blood Of Heirs (The Coraidic Sagas #1) by Alicia Wanstall-Burke
Synopsis Lidan Tolak is the fiercest of her father’s daughters; more than capable of one day leading her clan. But caught between her warring parents, Lidan’s world begins to unravel when another of her father’s wives falls pregnant. Before she has time to consider the threat of a brother, a bloody swathe is cut through […]
REVIEW: The Devils by Joe Abercrombie
SYNOPSIS A brand-new epic fantasy from New York Times bestselling author Joe Abercrombie, featuring a notorious band of anti-heroes on a delightfully bloody and raucous journey Holy work sometimes requires unholy deeds. Brother Diaz has been summoned to the Sacred City, where he is certain a commendation and grand holy assignment awaits him. But his new flock […]
Review: The Last Shield by Cameron Johnston
Synopsis A gender-flipped Die Hard set in a mysterious castle, Cameron Johnston’s The Last Shield is an engaging fantasy read, perfect for fans of John Gwynne and Mark Lawrence. The ancient forest realm of Sunweald is bordered on two sides by far mightier nations – a precarious situation. At its centre, the Sunweald Palace is […]
Book Review: Blood Brothers by Rob J. Hayes
TL;DR Review: A sad, sweet, heartfelt story about remembering fallen loved ones wrapped up in magic, action, and a fascinating world. Synopsis: Blood Saberu is dead. His last request, that his brothers carry his body up the Heaven’s Trail mountains to make sure he gets into Heaven. Full Review: It was wonderful to be back […]
Review: The Hunger of the Gods (Bloodsworn Saga #2) by John Gwynne
Synopsis THE DEAD GODS ARE RISING. Lik-Rifa, the dragon god of legend, has been freed from her eternal prison. Now she plots a new age of blood and conquest. As Orka continues the hunt for her missing son, the Bloodsworn sweep south in a desperate race to save one of their own–and Varg takes the […]
Book Review: New Sword Smell: A Splatter Elf Collection by Philip Overby
TL;DR Review: Bloody dark and bloody entertaining. A short story collection perfect for fans of Kings of the Wyld and The Witcher. Synopsis: Includes naughty language and splattery violence. In the chaotic, gore-slicked world of Groteskia, everyone owns a sword, but few know how to use them. Enter Katzia of Clovenhoof aka the Splatter Elf, […]
Review: The Battlemage (Summoner #3) by Taran Matharu
Synopsis: Fletcher and his classmates from Vocans Academy―including the elf Sylva and the dwarf Othello―travel through the ether, where they must pursue a mortally dangerous quest to rebuild their world and broker peace. As he leads a small army of soldiers, Fletcher will face his biggest challenge yet: his nemesis, the albino orc, Khan, who […]