Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and M.J. Kuhn as they delve into a mini-masterclass on Modernity & Building Believable Futures with award-winning author T. R. Napper. During the episode, Tim unpacks the complexities of modernity, exploring what modernity is, its relationships with hardboiled fiction and cyberpunk, confronting modernity in real life, relevancy and genre expectations, worldbuilding and crafting believable futures, thematic resonance, historical context fact vs. fiction and more.
SFF Addicts Ep. 121: Researching for Fantasy with Christian “Miles” Cameron (Mini-Masterclass)
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and M.J. Kuhn as they delve into a mini-masterclass on Researching for Fantasy with author Christian “Miles” Cameron. During the episode, Miles takes a deep dive into research, exploring how research provides convincing surface details, methods for researching, balancing historical fact and creative freedom, lived research and reenactment, combat and swordfighting, systems and worldbuilding details, when to stop researching and more.
SFF Addicts Ep. 119: Content Creation 101 with Evan Leikam, Mike’s Book Reviews & Kay’s Hidden Shelf (Masterclass Panel)
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and M.J. Kuhn for a masterclass panel on Content Creation 101, featuring Evan Leikam from Book Reviews Kill, Mike from Mike’s Book Reviews and Kayla from Kay’s Hidden Shelf. During the panel, Evan, Mike and Kayla lay out the fundamentals for getting into content creation, including how they started, the big content platforms, editing software and recording equipment, content length on different platforms, algorithms and originality, connecting with your audience, monetization and advertising, reviewing books, receiving ARCs, relationships with publishers/authors and more.
SFF Addicts Ep. 118: Writing as Collaboration with James S.A. Corey (Mini-Masterclass)
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and M.J. Kuhn as they delve into a mini-masterclass on Writing as Collaboration with bestselling co-authors Daniel Abraham & Ty Franck (AKA James S.A. Corey). During the episode, Daniel and Ty team up to discuss collabs, exploring the importance of collaboration, screenwriting and TV/film adaptations, co-writing as negotiation, solo vs. collaborative writing, working with editors and writers rooms, critique partners, sensitivity readers and feedback, writing for Star Wars, DMing for D&D and more.
SFF Addicts Ep. 116: Writing from the End with Julia Vee & Ken Bebelle (Mini-Masterclass)
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and M.J. Kuhn as they delve into a mini-masterclass on Writing from the End with co-authors Julia Vee & Ken Bebelle. During the episode, Julia and Ken work back from the end, exploring endings that they love, how to plan your ending while leaving room for spontaneity, writing endings for sequels and series, managing subplots and side characters, effective foreshadowing, pacing and middles, character choices, emotional payoffs, ending anxiety and more.
SFF Addicts Ep. 114: Deep Worldbuilding with Paolo Bacigalupi (Mini-Masterclass)
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and M.J. Kuhn as they delve into a mini-masterclass on Deep Worldbuilding with award-winning author Paolo Bacigalupi. During the episode, Paolo delves deep into worldbuilding, laying out how to create immersive worlds, his worldbuilding process, deep vs. broad worldbuilding, keeping track of details, lived-in worlds, worldbuilding in YA and short stories, “stacking” world/plot/character and more.
SFF Addicts Ep. 112: Writing the Opposite Gender with Stephen Aryan (Mini-Masterclass)
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and M.J. Kuhn as they delve into a mini-masterclass on Writing the Opposite Gender with author Stephen Aryan. During the episode, Stephen bridges the gap between genders, exploring the importance of writing outside your own gender, stereotypes and how men often write women badly, how to enjoy writing the opposite gender, the advantages of writing in SFF, how to research other genders, gender norms and little details, intent and power dynamics, awareness, biases, empathy and more.
SFF Addicts Ep. 110: Making Old Monsters New Again with Christopher Buehlman (Mini-Masterclass)
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and M.J. Kuhn as they delve into a mini-masterclass on Making Old Monsters New Again with author Christopher Buehlman. During the episode, Christopher uncovers the mysteries of old monsters, exploring examples of classic monsters, human psychology and allegory, advantages of using classic monsters, monster films and why some monsters feel dated, approaches for different genres/monsters, researching monsters, atmosphere, setting and emotion, gore vs. psychological horror, new takes on old monsters and more.
SFF Addicts Ep. 108: Creating Fictional Cultures with Rebecca Roanhorse (Mini-Masterclass)
Join host Adrian M. Gibson as he delves into a mini-masterclass on Creating Fictional Cultures with bestselling, award-winning author Rebecca Roanhorse. During the episode, Rebecca weaves a cultural tapestry, exploring why “culture” is important to human beings, approaches for creating a fictional culture, research and lived experience, details and sensory descriptors, characters in relation to culture, real world vs. secondary world cultures, cultural appropriation vs. inspiration and more.
SFF Addicts Ep. 106: Locked-Room Mysteries with Stuart Turton (Mini-Masterclass)
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and M.J. Kuhn as they delve into a mini-masterclass on Locked-Room Mysteries with bestselling author Stuart Turton. During the episode, Stuart unlocks the mysteries of locked-room scenarios, including the appeal of them as readers and writers, key elements of locked-rooms, containing your setting and characters, using characters to control the mystery, tools for managing pacing and tension, keeping locked-room mysteries fresh and more.
SFF Addicts Ep. 104: Outlining Your Story with Veronica Roth (Mini-Masterclass)
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and M.J. Kuhn as they delve into a mini-masterclass on Outlining Your Story with bestselling author Veronica Roth. During the episode, Veronica lays out some foundations for flexible outlines, including how she became an outliner, starting a new outline, characters/world/plot as a “soup,” outlining (and re-outlining) complex plots, how to pace using an outline, planning plot twists and foreshadowing, getting feedback during outlining, themes, flexibility and more.
Review: Demon (Archive Of The GodEater Trilogy #1) by Rob J. Hayes
Synopsis Dien Hostain was never meant to lead. She wasn’t meant to survive. Kind of heart and quick in temper, Dien expects to lead a simple life, learning her father’s trade. But unbeknown to her, he was not always a carpenter. He’s an exile, a traitor once known as the Peace Breaker. When nightmarish demons […]