Synopsis: 8114 is a terrifying horror novel investigating the mysterious death of a high school friend through an embattled podcast and hallucinatory hauntings at the abandoned house of his childhood. After returning to his hometown, Paul, the beleaguered host of a small-time podcast, discovers a longtime friend committed suicide in the dilapidated ruins of Paul’s […]
Review: Cicada (Killer VHS #4) by Tanya Pell
Synopsis Ash is stranded at a rural horror film festival about a giant killer cicada and can’t decide what’s worse, the movie or her idiot boyfriend, until she realizes she’s starring in the bloody sequel when people start dying and the locals won’t let them leave. Review As always a huge thanks to Shortwave Media […]
Author Interview: Emily C. Hughes
Happy Friday Weenies and Horror Nerds alike! If you haven’t heard by now, Emily C. Hughes (queen of the horror book lists that keep my literary life organized) has written a STELLAR nonfiction book titled, Horror for Weenies: Everything You Need to Know About the Films You’re Too Scared to Watch. This book was such […]
COVER REVEAL: Legend of Tal: A Queen’s Command – Deluxe Edition by J.D.L. Rosell
The Legend of Tal is back with the second deluxe edition! Pledge to campaign for A Queen’s Command, Book 2 in the bestselling epic fantasy series, to receive a book with: If you missed the campaign for the first book, never fear! Copies of A King’s Bargain are also available. Follow this page to be notified when the […]
Review: Asunder by Kerstin Hall
Synopsis:We choose our own gods here.Karys Eska is a deathspeaker, locked into an irrevocable compact with Sabaster, a terrifying eldritch entity—three-faced, hundred-winged, unforgiving—who has granted her the ability to communicate with the newly departed. She pays the rent by using her abilities to investigate suspicious deaths around the troubled city she calls home. When a […]
Review: A Shadow Over Haven (Nick Holleran Series #4) by David Green
Synopsis Ever heard the saying, “Careful what you wish for?” The phrase is about to take on a whole new meaning for Haven’s one-and-only Paranormal Investigator, Nick Holleran… In the months since ‘One Life Left’ and his reality-spinning showdown with Lilith and the Sin-Eater, Nick Holleran has spent the time making new friends and forging […]
Review: A Better World by Sarah Langan
Synopsis: As the outside world literally falls apart, Linda and Russell Farmer-Bowen and their teenage twins are offered the chance to relocate to Plymouth Valley, a walled-off company town with clean air, pantries that never go empty, and blue-ribbon schools. The family jumps at the opportunity. They’d be crazy not to take it. This might […]
Review: A Warrior Still by Shelly Campbell
Synopsis I am a creature of war. A centaurine, to be precise. Before my colt died, I was all gnashing teeth and nerves of ice. Even now, my chest burns for air thick with bravado, my ears long for clanging iron amidst hoof beats, and my nostrils quiver for bitter fear oozing from a thousand […]
Book Review: Flames of Gold (Legends of Gold and Silver #1) by Liz Delton
TL;DR Review: An epic journey begins, promising great things to come. Synopsis: The silverswords have held Tytan in an iron fist for centuries.That fist has crushed the last hope for the continent. After quitting mage training, fire mage Fig thought her dealings with the crown and the ruthless silverswords who rule Tytan were over. That […]
Review: Hell Divers #4: Wolves by Nicholas Sansbury Smith
Synopsis The New York Times and USA Today bestselling series They dive so humanity survives. Now they take to the sea. In the fourth installment of the Hell Divers series, the Sea Wolf sets out to search for the Metal Islands. Leading the expedition is legendary Hell Diver Xavier Rodriguez. After enduring for a decade on the poisoned surface, his survival […]
Book Review: Time-Marked Warlock by Shami Stovall
TL;DR Review: Harry Dresden meets Groundhog Day. A murder mystery solved in just one day…over and over and over again. Synopsis: Adair Finch is the most powerful warlock in the world, and one of the best private investigators for hire. He has dealt with corporate vampires, murderous werewolves, and even fae royalty. Everything was perfect […]
Review: Pet Sematary by Stephen King
Synopsis Now a major motion picture! Stephen King’s #1 New York Times bestseller is a “wild, powerful, disturbing” (The Washington Post Book World) classic about evil that exists far beyond the grave—among King’s most iconic and frightening novels. When Dr. Louis Creed takes a new job and moves his family to the idyllic rural town of Ludlow, Maine, […]