A must review of one of the best self-published fantasy novels I’ve ever read. Classic fantasy for the modern reader.
Review: A King’s Radiance (Bonds of Kin #1) by L.R. Schulz
Synopsis THREE SIBLINGS… A REBEL, A PRINCE, A PRISONER The sun’s light shines bright over the land of Zapour, and only a select few can harness its power. But all power comes with a cost, and the world is not kind to those who refuse to pay it. Raiz Glaive, a strong shine wielder, was […]
Review: Bad Monkeys by Matt Ruff
Summary: Jane Charlotte has been arrested for murder. She tells police that she is a member of a secret organization devoted to fighting evil; her division is called the Department for the Final Disposition of Irredeemable Persons – “Bad Monkeys” for short. This confession earns Jane a trip to the jail’s psychiatric wing, where a […]
Review: Family Business by Jonathan Sims
Family Business is the first book I’ve read by Jonathan Sims, and it definitely won’t be my last. I went in not sure what to expect and at no point did I realise just how creepy, and insane, the plot would become. The creep-factor is cranked up so expertly that you don’t notice what’s going on until our main character, Diya, is right in the middle of everything.
Cover Reveal + Q&A: Zoo by A.C. Cross
Hey, guys! It’s time to reveal the cover for the A.C. Cross’s new novella, Zoo!! Before the reveal, though, we’ve got a bit of a Q&A!! Author Q&A So what is the pitch for Zoo?Imagine if you could take a tour through someone’s mind and view the things that make them unique. Now imagine you […]
Author Chat: Sheree Renée Thomas, Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki & Zelda Knight (Editors of Africa Risen)
Join host Adrian M. Gibson and award-winning editors/authors Sheree Renée Thomas, Oghenechovwe Ekpeki and Zelda Knight for a chat about their new anthology Africa Risen: A New Era of Speculative Fiction, as well as the evolution and meaning of the anthology’s title, the story selection process, offering a platform for new African and diaspora authors, storytelling traditions, community building and much more.
Review: Children of Memory by Adrian Tchaikovsky
I’m happy to announce that Children of Memory exceeded my expectations and was a wild ride from the front to back. It may not be perfect, but it is a great science fiction novel with signature Tchaikovsky creativity all wrapped in a great philosophical question.
Review: TimeLock (Book #1 of the TimeLock novella series) by Peter Berk and Howard Berk
Synopsis With crime rampant in the near future, the President authorizes a controversial program: TimeLock, a cellular acceleration process that instantly ages prisoners the total number of years of their sentence. In other words-three strikes and you’re old . . . very old. But what happens if you’re innocent? Falsely convicted of murder, 23-year-old Morgan […]
SFF Addicts Ep. 31: Nautical Fantasy (with Andrea Stewart, RJ Barker & Joshua Phillip Johnson)
Join host Adrian M. Gibson and authors Andrea Stewart, RJ Barker and Joshua Phillip Johnson as they sail the high seas of nautical fantasy. During the panel they discuss why the ocean is so captivating (and terrifying), why it blends well with fantasy stories, nautical worldbuilding, character development, maritime battles, magic systems, deep sea creatures and more.
SFF Addicts TV Club: House of the Dragon S01 Review (with Miltos Yerolemou, M.J. Kuhn & Liam Quane)
Join host Adrian M. Gibson and actor Miltos Yerolemou (aka Syrio Forel in Game of Thrones), as well as authors M.J. Kuhn and Liam Quane, as they review season one of House of the Dragon. During the panel they discuss their personal relationships with Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire, Miltos’ experiences acting on Game of Thrones, first impressions of House of the Dragon, its character portrayals, time jumps, actor changes and dialogue, as well as hopes for season two and more.
Blog Tour Review: Blood of a Novice by Davis Ashura
An adventure fantasy with a great message about perseverance!
Author Chat: Lavie Tidhar
Join host Adrian M. Gibson and award-winning author and editor Lavie Tidhar for a chat about his new releases Neom and The Best of World SF Vol. 2, growing up in Israel, writing about the Middle East, international sci-fi, tackling challenging themes with humor, robots and Asimov’s ‘Three Laws of Robotics’, L. Ron Hubbard, messiahs and much more.