Synopsis In a world long ago ravaged by war, the nations have sworn an armistice never to use weapons of mass destruction again. Instead, highly-skilled warriors known as Grievar Knights represent their nations’ interests in brutal hand-to-hand combat. Murray Pearson was once a famed Knight until he suffered a loss that crippled his homeland — […]
Review: The Werewolf of Whitechapel (Miss Sharp’s Monsters #1) by Suzannah Rowntree
Synopsis Murder, monsters…and a disreputable lady’s-maid on a mission. A killer prowls the grimy streets of Whitechapel. Scotland Yard seems determined to turn a blind eye. But with one look at her best friend’s corpse, Liz Sharp knows the truth: the killer is a werewolf, one of the monsters that rules Europe. If she doesn’t […]
BOOK TOUR: Salt in the Wound (Rainfallen #1) by Benjamin Aeveryn – Excerpt
Massive thanks to Escapist Book Co. and Benjamin Aeveryn for the opportunity to join the book tour for Salt in the Wound (Rainfallen #1). Bellow, you will find information on the book and author, where you can purchase your very own copy, and an excerpt from the novel that should whet your appetite 🙂 Book […]
SFF Addicts Ep. 58: Writing Action Scenes with Alexander Darwin (Mini-Masterclass)
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and M.J. Kuhn as they delve into a mini-masterclass on Writing Action Scenes with author/martial artist Alexander Darwin. During the episode, Alexander tackles the ins and outs of action, including why action scenes are integral to stories, action in TV/film vs. fiction, writing believable action scenes, using pacing to control action and narrative, how action can drive plot, character and worldbuilding, dialogue as action and more.
Review: Seeds of War (The Smokesmiths #1) by João F. Silva
Synopsis “He ran like the monster he was. And the smoke followed.” GIMLORE is a single mother and war veteran turned crime boss set on protecting her family and her town. ORBERESIS is a petty thief pretending to be God to protect a terrible secret. REDNOW is the world’s most feared mercenary, but his best […]
BOOK TOUR: Wild Court by Matthew Samuels – Excerpt
Massive thanks to Escapist Book Co. and Matthew for allowing me to be one of the Book Tour hosts for Wild Court! Below, you will find information on the book and author, where you can purchase, and an excerpt from Wild Court! Book Information Wild Court by Matthew SamuelsSeries: N/AGenre: Urban FantasyIntended Age Group: AdultPages: […]
Review: The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi (Amina al-Sirafi #1) by Shannon Chakraborty
Synopsis Amina al-Sirafi should be content. After a storied and scandalous career as one of the Indian Ocean’s most notorious pirates, she’s survived backstabbing rogues, vengeful merchant princes, several husbands, and one actual demon to retire peacefully with her family to a life of piety, motherhood, and absolutely nothing that hints of the supernatural. But […]
Review: The Will of the Many (The Hierarchy #1) by James Islington
Synopsis AUDI. VIDE. TACE. The Catenan Republic – the Hierarchy – may rule the world now, but they do not know everything. I tell them my name is Vis Telimus. I tell them I was orphaned after a tragic accident three years ago, and that good fortune alone has led to my acceptance into their […]
TBRCon2023 Highlight: The Future of the Horror Genre (Panel)
Every week, we are highlighting a panel from TBRCon2023, looking back on the amazing variety of panels that we had the honor of hosting.
This week, join moderator Emily Hughes and authors Gabino Iglesias, Catriona Ward, Ellen Datlow, Xueting C. Ni and Erika T. Wurth for a TBRCon2023 author panel on “The Future of the Horror Genre.”
SFF Addicts Ep. 57: Alexander Darwin talks The Combat Codes, Martial Arts, Publishing & More
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and M.J. Kuhn as they chat with author Alexander Darwin about his debut novel The Combat Codes, mixed martial arts and Brazilian jiu-jitsu, starting his writing career in self-publishing, transitioning to the traditional publishing world, comparing the different sides of publishing, lessons and advice from his writing journey, video games, JRPGs, Studio Ghibli movies and much more.
Blog Tour Review: The Combat Codes (The Combat Codes #1) by Alexander Darwin
Martial arts inspired fantasy with science fiction elements.
BOOK TOUR: The Forbidden Realms (Fallen Light #2) by H.C. Newell – Excerpt
Massive thank you to Escapist Book Co. and H.C. Newell for bringing me onboard the book tour for The Forbidden Realms (Fallen Light #2). Below, you will find information on the book, the author, where you can find both the book and the author on the web, and an excerpt from The Forbidden Realms! Book […]