Synopsis: In a windswept cottage overlooking the sea, Wilder Harlow begins the last book he will ever write. It is the story of his childhood companions and the shadowy figure of the Daggerman, who stalked their New England town. And it is the story of Sky, Wilder’s one-time friend, who stole his unfinished memoir to […]
Review: Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay
Synopsis: Summer, 1993 – a group of young guerrilla filmmakers spend four weeks making Horror Movie, a notorious, disturbing, art-house horror film. Steeped in mystery and tragedy, the film has taken on a mythic, cult renown, despite only three of the original scenes ever being released to the public. Decades later, a big budget reboot is in the […]
Review: Words Made Of Flesh by R.A Busby
Synopsis: New Bedford, 1899 Harrison Quire has a problem. Haunted by memories of his lover, he’s only lingered on the periphery of a life. When he visits the Whisperers’ Club to hear a few horror stories, he never expects he’ll become one. Late one winter night, Harrison hears old George Burgess tell his tale of an unusual […]
Review: The House That Horror Built by Christina Henry
Synopsis: Single mom Harry Adams has always loved horror movies, so when she’s offered a job cleaning for revered horror director Javier Castillo, she leaps at the chance. His forbidding Chicago mansion, Bright Horses, is filled from top to bottom with terrifying props and costumes, as well as glittering awards from his decades-long career making […]
Review: The Little Season by S.C. Mendes
Synopsis: Talons is looking for food tasters and Jordan Carter jumped at the chance to join the focus group. However, the qualifying questions embarrassed him. The first appetizer was a stale piece of bread. And worst of all, Jordan felt sick after the meal. When Talons offers him double the money for a second tasting, […]
Review: A Dark Corner by Celia Dale
Synopsis: Young Errol Winston arrives in London in search of a job and a better life, but he finds himself homeless when the city’s racist landlords refuse to rent to him. At last he seems to have a stroke of good luck when he accidentally winds up at the front door of Mr and Mrs […]
Review: Father of Lies by Steve Stred
Synopsis: Beginning in October, 2019, Steve Stred released three of the darkest, most depraved novellas – Ritual, COMMUNION, and Sacrament (**Nominated for a 2022 Splatterpunk Award for Best Novella!**). These three novellas completed the ‘Father of Lies’ trilogy, telling the story of a disturbed man trying to open the cosmic gates and enter the Black Heavens to […]
Review: Find Him and Kill Him by Cody J Thompson
Synopsis: When 14-year-old Mitch Graves, bored with festivities at a Memorial Day block party in 2006, decides to ride his BMX to a set of train tracks near his home, he discovers something that would tattoo the fear of God into any ordinary child’s memory-a wayward drifter hiding in the shadows of an abandoned railcar […]
Review: A Spectre Is Haunting Greentree by Carson Winter
Synopsis: REAP WHAT YOU SOW In the wake of a series of panic attacks, isolated and introverted Carina takes a friend up on an offer: go to Greentree, Oregon, escape her abusive ex, and start a new life. But upon arrival, the town is stranger than Carina could have ever imagined. For one, they still […]
Review: Midnight by Dean Koontz
Synopsis: In picturesque Moonlight Cove, California, inexplicable deaths occur and spine-tingling terror descends to this “edge of paradise.” Growing numbers of residents harbor a secret so dark it is sure to cost even more lives. Tessa Lockland comes to town to probe her sister’s seemingly unprompted suicide. Independent and clever, she meets up with Sam […]
Review: All Who Wander Are Lost by Gemma Amor
Synopsis: First Landing State Park. Antarctica. Mongolia. France. Norway. Ireland. Somerset. Egypt. A giant glacier in an unnamed land. What do all these places have in common?They’re the perfect place to set a horror story, is what. In this brand new collection of destination based tales of terror, Bram Stoker and British Fantasy Award nominated […]
Review: Rotten Tommy by David Sodergren
Synopsis: “Keep the door locked night and day…” It’s been forty years since Becky Sharp’s mother vanished without a trace. Becky has given up all hope of finding her, until she makes a strange discovery that may hold the key to solving her mother’s disappearance. Three unmarked videotapes, hidden in the wall of her childhood […]