Quite a trip… Synopsis Two years after a devastating defeat in the decade-long Spore War, the island nation of Hōppon and its capital city of Neo Kinoko are occupied by invading Coprinian forces. Its fungal citizens are in dire straits, wracked by food shortages, poverty and an influx of war refugees. Even worse, the corrupt […]
Review: Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay
Hell has never been so chilling Synopsis Summer, 1993 – a group of young guerrilla filmmakers spend four weeks making Horror Movie, a notorious, disturbing, art-house horror film. Steeped in mystery and tragedy, the film has taken on a mythic, cult renown, despite only three of the original scenes ever being released to the public. Decades later, a […]
Author Chat: João Silva (The Smokesmiths Series)
Author bio (in his own words): João F. Silva was born in a small town in Portugal but now lives in London, with his three feline co-workers/bosses. His debut novel Seeds of War won the Best Indie Debut of 2023 at the FanFiAddict Awards. His short fiction has been published in Grimdark Magazine and Haven […]
Review: From the Belly by Emmett Nahil
A whale of a good time… Synopsis The whaling vessel Merciful has just made its strangest catch yet: a massive whale containing a still-living man secreted within its stomach lining. Sailor Isaiah Chase is tasked with keeping the enigmatic man alive. As their relationship grows, a series of accidents, injuries and deaths quickly befall the […]
Review: Gates of Sorrow (Aulirean Gates 2) by J. E. Hannaford
Why choose between dragons or dogs when you can have both? Synopsis Deep beneath the Black Palace in Lieus, Suriin pays the price for trusting Natke. Cut off from her magic and unable to rescue herself, she waits on aid from Darin and the Howlers. The cost of her rescue? The future she’d always dreamed […]
Review: The Dark Feather (Songs of the Drowned Book 3) by Anna Stephens
You come at the Song, you better not miss Synopsis I’m not giving you a synopsis because the whole point of this review is I want anyone who’s not read the series yet to start now. For an overall series plot, see the review! Yeah, I’m a rebel. Just you try and stop me. Review […]
Review: The Storm Beneath the World by Michael R. Fletcher
We’re going to need a bigger fly swatter Synopsis Cursed by the gods, the insectile ashkaro live on flying islands travelling the eternal River of Days while a hellish firestorm devours the world below. Collected into queendoms, the higher caste brights live in the luxurious windward rain-forest while the servile dulls scrape out a desperate […]
Author Chat: Alethea Lyons (The Hiding)
Author bio (in her own words): Alethea (she/ze) writes various forms of SFF, with a particular love for science-fantasy, dark fantasy, dystopias, and folklore. Many of her works take place at the intersection between technology and magic. She enjoys writing stories with subtle political and philosophical messages, but primarily wants her stories to be great […]
The House At the End of Lacelean Street by Catherine McCarthy
No, I don’t know how it’s pronounced either… Pre-order the book direct from Dark Matter Ink here Synopsis It’s midnight and in the midst of an ice storm when Claudia Dance boards the bright yellow bus to Lacelean Street, a destination she has never heard of. She has no coat, no luggage, and no clue […]
Review: The Hiding by Alethea Lyons (The Seer of York Book 1)
Old York… cobbled streets where dreams are made of Synopsis Arcane archivist Harper has always been plagued by dreams of grotesque creatures and bloody deaths. When she bumps into a ghostwalker in the Shambles and has a visceral experience of his execution, she knows it’s a foretelling. Yet fear of the Queen’s Guard stops her […]
Author Chat: Seán O’Boyle – The Ballad of Sprikit The Bard (And Company)
Author Bio (in their own words) Seán O’Boyle is an Irish, London-based, writer on his self-publishing journey. Since he was a young lad, he’s loved creating stories; whether scribbling short fiction in his school copybooks, or creating dramatic home movies with his toys. He’s even dabbled in the fine art of stand up comedy, with […]
Review: The Hallows by H.L. Tinsley
Drugs, nuns and secrets – no, not your average weekend night out but the return of the Princess of Grimdark. Synopsis The Hallow serum was once sacred to the Auld Bloods. Used to gain access to their lost ancestral powers, now it is regulated and administered by the powerful Providence Company. Evolved from the echelons […]