Synopsis Paulo, a father, high school counselor and recent widower, searches for his lost daughter Adriana who has become bound to the cocaine drug cartel. Adriana, daughter of Paulo, runs away from higher education and seeks fortunes and a life of paradise. Sam, gaming addict and divorced Denver Police officer, blames his failed marriage on his wife’s […]
Review: A King’s Radiance (Bonds of Kin #1) by L. R. Schulz
Synopsis Three siblings… a rebel, a prince, a prisoner The sun’s light shines bright over the land of Zapour, and only a select few can harness its power. But all power comes with a cost, and the world is not kind to those who refuse to pay it. Raiz Glaive, a strong shine wielder, was […]
Review: No Safe Haven (Malitu #2) by James Lloyd Dulin
Synopsis Anger will not be quenched by blood alone. The Missing, a rebel army that is little more than a rumor, may be Kaylo’s only path to exact his vengeance against the empire that claimed his home and killed his family. If it means a chance to balance the blood he owes, he will steal […]
Review: No Heart for a Thief, (Malitu #1) by James Lloyd Dulin
Synopsis We are the stories we tell ourselves…even the lies. The Thief, a great spirit, and her descendants have abused their ability to steal magic for centuries. When Kaylo starts to hear the song of other people’s magic, he must learn to hide from his people as well as the invaders. A gift or a […]
Review: The Girl in the Corn by Jason Offutt
Synopsis Beware of what lurks in the corn. Fairies don’t exist. At least that’s what Thomas Cavanaugh’s parents say. But the events of that one night, when he follows a fairy into the cornfield on his parents’ farm, prove them wrong. What seems like a destructive explosion was, Thomas knows, an encounter with Dauðr, a […]
C. J. Daley’s (CJDsCurrentRead) Top Reads of 2023
Another year gone, another chunk of my TBR entirely ignored while a read an entire set of books that were new to me (for the most part). From finishing the inaugural Indie Ink Awards at the start of the year, to my first year with BBNYA and SFINCS, I’ve pretty much counted anything I wrote […]
Review: Candy Cain Kills by Brian McAuley
Synopsis Oh what fun it is to DIE! When Austin’s parents drag him and his little sister Fiona to a remote cottage for Christmas, he’s less than thrilled about the forced bonding exercise. But after learning that their holiday getaway was the site of a horrific crime, this family on the rocks will have to […]
Review: Hanging On: A Christmas Ghost Story by Iseult Murphy
Synopsis “You’re in danger.” The red wooden box Angelina found under the tree on Christmas morning wasn’t what she wanted when she asked Mam for a phone. It looked like something for a toddler. She didn’t expect to hear a woman speak to her through the toy when she played with it, nor did she […]
Review: I Found Christmas Lights Slithering Up My Street (I Found Horror #3) by Ben Farthing
Synopsis Something festive is growing in the sewer… After last year’s tragedy, Douglas’ parents are ignoring Christmas. But when Douglas finds an eerie strand of lights slithering through the sewer, he unwittingly unleashes merry terror upon his neighborhood’s tacky lights contest. String lights spread like invasive kudzu, turning festive decorations into surreal, predatory nightmares. Determined […]
Review: It Haunts the Mind and Other Stories by Nick Roberts
Synopsis From Nick Roberts, the best-selling author of The Exorcist’s House and Anathema, comes fifteen dark tales that are as horrific as they are moving. “Come for the horror, stay for the heartbreaking emotion that bleeds into every page. Roberts really shows his range here, and it’s obvious early on in these stories that they will stick with […]