Synopsis: The Kingdom of Boulom has been lost. The realms have already seen what happens when the Gods and their Harbingers are left unchecked. Destruction. Chaos. Death. The Gods cannot be trusted. No one knows that better than David Williams, the leader of the Guardians tasked to protect the realm from the gods and their […]
Review: The Fall Is All There Is (Four of Mercies #1) by C.M. Caplan
Synopsis: All Petre Mercy wanted was a good old-fashioned dramatic exit from his life as a prince. But it’s been five years since he fled home on a cyborg horse. Now the King – his Dad – is dead – and Petre has to decide which heir to pledge his thyroid-powered sword to. As the […]
Review: A Recipe for Disaster (Delicious Novellas of Desert Town Dwellers: an Achten Tan Creation #1) by Chris Durston
Synopsis: In the desert city of Achten Tan, built within the bones of a long-dead leviathan, there’s one truth everyone knows above all others: North Ribs Ribs is the best dang ribs restaurant in town. Rebellious teenager Old Crawman never wanted to inherit the North Ribs Ribs empire, but when he discovers an unsettling secret […]
Review: Metal by J.F. Lawrence
Synopsis: Terrance Mathison, a veteran turned bioengineer, returns from a camping trip to find that a widespread pathogen is quickly rusting important metals once they’re touched. Amid the crumbling downfall of our technological society, he assembles a team of super-nerds and elite soldiers to find and secure a lab in hopes of developing a cure. […]